Ian J Godwin
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Cited by
Redox and electrochemical water splitting catalytic properties of hydrated metal oxide modified electrodes
RL Doyle, IJ Godwin, MP Brandon, MEG Lyons
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15 (33), 13737-13783, 2013
All-printed thin-film transistors from networks of liquid-exfoliated nanosheets
AG Kelly, T Hallam, C Backes, A Harvey, AS Esmaeily, I Godwin, J Coelho, ...
Science 356 (6333), 69-73, 2017
Enhanced oxygen evolution at hydrous nickel oxide electrodes via electrochemical ageing in alkaline solution
IJ Godwin, MEG Lyons
Electrochemistry Communications 32, 39-42, 2013
Comparison of liquid exfoliated transition metal dichalcogenides reveals MoSe 2 to be the most effective hydrogen evolution catalyst
Z Gholamvand, D McAteer, C Backes, N McEvoy, A Harvey, NC Berner, ...
Nanoscale 8 (10), 5737-5749, 2016
Hydrous nickel oxide: redox switching and the oxygen evolution reaction in aqueous alkaline solution
MEG Lyons, RL Doyle, I Godwin, M O’Brien, L Russell
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 159 (12), H932, 2012
Liquid Exfoliated Co(OH)2 Nanosheets as Low‐Cost, Yet High‐Performance, Catalysts for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction
D McAteer, IJ Godwin, Z Ling, A Harvey, L He, CS Boland, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 8 (15), 1702965, 2018
Production of Ni (OH) 2 nanosheets by liquid phase exfoliation: from optical properties to electrochemical applications
A Harvey, X He, IJ Godwin, C Backes, D McAteer, NC Berner, N McEvoy, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 4 (28), 11046-11059, 2016
Redox, pH sensing and electrolytic water splitting properties of electrochemically generated nickel hydroxide thin films in aqueous alkaline solution
MEG Lyons, A Cakara, P O’Brien, I Godwin, RL Doyle
International Journal of Electrochemical Science 7 (12), 11768-11795, 2012
Redox switching and oxygen evolution at hydrous oxyhydroxide modified nickel electrodes in aqueous alkaline solution: effect of hydrous oxide thickness and base concentration
MEG Lyons, L Russell, M O’Brien, RL Doyle, I Godwin, MP Brandon
International journal of electrochemical science 7 (4), 2710-2763, 2012
Recent developments in electrochemical water oxidation
MEG Lyons, RL Doyle, MP Browne, IJ Godwin, AAS Rovetta
Current Opinion in Electrochemistry 1 (1), 40-45, 2017
Electrochemical water oxidation: the next five years
I Godwin, A Rovetta, M Lyons, J Coleman
Current Opinion in Electrochemistry 7, 31-35, 2018
Exploring the versatility of liquid phase exfoliation: producing 2D nanosheets from talcum powder, cat litter and beach sand
A Harvey, JB Boland, I Godwin, AG Kelly, BM Szydłowska, G Murtaza, ...
2D Materials 4 (2), 025054, 2017
The mechanism and kinetics of electrochemical water oxidation at oxidized metal and metal oxide electrodes. Part 1. General considerations: A mini review
MEG Lyons, RL Doyle, D Fernandez, IJ Godwin, MP Browne, A Rovetta
Electrochemistry communications 45, 60-62, 2014
Cobalt hydroxide nanoflakes and their application as supercapacitors and oxygen evolution catalysts
AAS Rovetta, MP Browne, A Harvey, IJ Godwin, JN Coleman, MEG Lyons
Nanotechnology 28 (37), 375401, 2017
The mechanism and kinetics of electrochemical water oxidation at oxidized metal and metal oxide electrodes. Part 2. The surfaquo group mechanism: A mini review
MEG Lyons, RL Doyle, D Fernandez, IJ Godwin, MP Browne, A Rovetta
Electrochemistry communications 45, 56-59, 2014
Quantifying the role of nanotubes in nano: nano composite supercapacitor electrodes
Z Ling, A Harvey, D McAteer, IJ Godwin, B Szydłowska, A Griffin, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 8 (8), 1702364, 2018
RuII Photosensitizer‐Functionalized Two‐Dimensional MoS2 for Light‐Driven Hydrogen Evolution
X Chen, D McAteer, C McGuinness, I Godwin, JN Coleman, AR McDonald
Chemistry–A European Journal 24 (2), 351-355, 2018
The dependence of the measured surface energy of graphene on nanosheet size
A Ferguson, A Harvey, IJ Godwin, SD Bergin, JN Coleman
2D Materials 4 (1), 015040, 2016
The Mechanism of Oxygen Reactions at Porous Oxide Electrodes: III. Water Oxidation Catalysis at RuO2/NiO Mixed Oxide Electrodes
IJ Godwin, RL Doyle, MEG Lyons
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 161 (9), F906, 2014
Dimensionally Stable Anodes (DSA®) for Electrochemical Water Splitting: Redox Properties, OER Kinetics and Mechanism at RuO2/NiO Modified Electrodes in Aqueous Base
I Godwin, MEG Lyons
ECS Transactions 53 (23), 21, 2013
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Articles 1–20