Alexandre C. Siqueira
Cited by
Cited by
Phylogenetic perspectives on reef fish functional traits
SR Floeter, MG Bender, AC Siqueira, PF Cowman
Biological Reviews 93 (1), 131-151, 2018
Trophic innovations fuel reef fish diversification
AC Siqueira, RA Morais, DR Bellwood, PF Cowman
Nature Communications 11, 2669, 2020
The evolution of traits and functions in herbivorous coral reef fishes through space and time
AC Siqueira, DR Bellwood, PF Cowman
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 286 (1897), 20182672, 2019
Diet and diversification in the evolution of coral reef fishes
FL Lobato, DR Barneche, AC Siqueira, AMR Liedke, A Lindner, MR Pie, ...
PLoS One 9 (7), e102094, 2014
Evolutionary processes underlying latitudinal differences in reef fish biodiversity
AC Siqueira, LGR Oliveira‐Santos, PF Cowman, SR Floeter
Global Ecology and Biogeography 25 (12), 1466-1476, 2016
The functional roles of surgeonfishes on coral reefs: past, present and future
SB Tebbett, AC Siqueira, DR Bellwood
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 1-53, 2022
Shifting baselines among traditional fishers in São Tomé and Príncipe islands, Gulf of Guinea
HA Maia, RA Morais, AC Siqueira, N Hanazaki, SR Floeter, MG Bender
Ocean & Coastal Management 154, 133-142, 2018
Historical biogeography of herbivorous coral reef fishes: The formation of an Atlantic fauna
AC Siqueira, DR Bellwood, PF Cowman
Journal of Biogeography, 2019
Planktivores as trophic drivers of global coral reef fish diversity patterns
AC Siqueira, RA Morais, DR Bellwood, PF Cowman
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (9), e2019404118, 2021
Spatial subsidies drive sweet spots of tropical marine biomass production
RA Morais, AC Siqueira, PF Smallhorn-West, DR Bellwood
PLoS Biology 19 (11), e3001435, 2021
Phylogenomics and historical biogeography of seahorses, dragonets, goatfishes, and allies (Teleostei: Syngnatharia): assessing factors driving uncertainty in biogeographic …
A Santaquiteria, AC Siqueira, E Duarte-Ribeiro, G Carnevale, WT White, ...
Systematic Biology 70 (6), 1145-1162, 2021
Fast-growing species shape the evolution of reef corals
AC Siqueira, W Kiessling, DR Bellwood
Nature Communications 13 (1), 2426, 2022
A review of the fossil record of the Labridae
DR Bellwood, O Schultz, AC Siqueira, PF Cowman
Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, Serie A 121, 125–193, 2019
A snapshot of sediment dynamics on an inshore coral reef
JA Schlaefer, SB Tebbett, CL Bowden, WP Collins, S Duce, ...
Marine Environmental Research 181, 105763, 2022
Drivers of eyespot evolution in coral reef fishes
CR Hemingson, AC Siqueira, PF Cowman, DR Bellwood
Evolution 75 (4), 903-914, 2021
Bio-physical determinants of sediment accumulation on an offshore coral reef: A snapshot study
SB Tebbett, JA Schlaefer, CL Bowden, WP Collins, CR Hemingson, ...
Science of the Total Environment 895, 165188, 2023
On the evolution of fish–coral interactions
AC Siqueira, P Muruga, DR Bellwood
Ecology Letters 26 (8), 1348-1358, 2023
Rising from the ashes: the biogeographic origins of modern coral reef fishes
KM Cantalice, J Alvarado-Ortega, DR Bellwood, AC Siqueira
BioScience 72 (8), 769-777, 2022
The evolution of latitudinal ranges in reef‐associated fishes: Heritability, limits and inverse Rapoport's rule
MR Pie, R Divieso, FS Caron, AC Siqueira, DR Barneche, OJ Luiz
Journal of Biogeography 48 (9), 2121-2132, 2021
Estimating population parameters of longsnout seahorses, Hippocampus reidi (Teleostei: Syngnathidae) through mark-recapture
AC Siqueira, JP Quimbayo, M Cantor, RB Silveira, FG Daura-Jorge
Neotropical Ichthyology 15, e170067, 2017
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Articles 1–20