Yan Jiao
Stock assessment of scalloped hammerheads in the western North Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico
CG Hayes, Y Jiao, E Cortés
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29 (5), 1406-1417, 2009
Poor‐data and data‐poor species stock assessment using a Bayesian hierarchical approach
Y Jiao, E Cortés, K Andrews, F Guo
Ecological Applications 21 (7), 2691-2708, 2011
Regime shift in marine ecosystems and implications for fisheries management, a review
Y Jiao
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 19 (2), 177-191, 2009
Modelling non-stationary natural mortality in catch-at-age models
Y Jiao, EP Smith, R O'reilly, DJ Orth
ICES Journal of Marine Science 69 (1), 105-118, 2012
Hierarchical Bayesian approach for population dynamics modelling of fish complexes without species-specific data
Y Jiao, C Hayes, E Cortés
ICES Journal of Marine Science 66 (2), 367-377, 2008
Developing robust frequentist and Bayesian fish stock assessment methods
Y Chen, Y Jiao, L Chen
Fish and Fisheries 4 (2), 105-120, 2003
Hindcasting historical breeding conditions for an endangered salamander in ephemeral wetlands of the southeastern USA: Implications of climate change
HC Chandler, AL Rypel, Y Jiao, CA Haas, TA Gorman
PloS one 11 (2), e0150169, 2016
Canonical dual least square method for solving general nonlinear systems of quadratic equations
N Ruan, DY Gao, Y Jiao
Computational Optimization and Applications 47 (2), 335-347, 2010
Performance comparison between spatial interpolation and GLM/GAM in estimating relative abundance indices through a simulation study
H Yu, Y Jiao, LW Carstensen
Fisheries research 147, 186-195, 2013
Linear Mixed-Effects Models to Describe Length-Weight Relationships for Yellow Croaker (Larimichthys Polyactis) along the North Coast of China
Q Ma, Y Jiao, Y Ren
PLOS ONE 12 ((2): e0171811), https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.01, 2017
A simulation study of impacts of error structure on modeling stock recruitment data using generalized linear models
Y Jiao, Y Chen, D Schneider, J Wroblewski
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 61 (1), 122-133, 2004
Performance comparison of traditional sampling designs and adaptive sampling designs for fishery-independent surveys: a simulation study
H Yu, Y Jiao, Z Su, K Reid
Fisheries research 113 (1), 173-181, 2012
Decreasing uncertainty in catch rate analyses using Delta-AdaBoost: An alternative approach in catch and bycatch analyses with high percentage of zeros
Y Li, Y Jiao, Q He
Fisheries research 107 (1-3), 261-271, 2011
Model selection uncertainty and Bayesian model averaging in fisheries recruitment modeling
Y Jiao, K Reid, E Smith
The future of fisheries science in North America, 505-524, 2009
Life-history characteristics of Japanese medaka Oryzias latipes
RT Leaf, Y Jiao, BR Murphy, JI Kramer, KM Sorensen, VG Wooten
Copeia 2011 (4), 559-565, 2011
Hierarchical demographic approaches for assessing invasion dynamics of non-indigenous species: an example using northern snakehead (Channa argus)
Y Jiao, NWR Lapointe, PL Angermeier, BR Murphy
Ecological Modelling 220 (13-14), 1681-1689, 2009
Models and model selection uncertainty in estimating growth rates of endangered freshwater mussel populations
Y Jiao, R Neves, J Jones
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 65 (11), 2389-2398, 2008
Seabird bycatch vulnerability to pelagic longline fisheries: ecological traits matter.
C Zhou, Y Jiao, J Browder
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, DOI: 10.1002/aqc.3066, 2019
Hook effects on seabird bycatch in the United States Atlantic pelagic longline fishery
Y Li, JA Browder, Y Jiao
Bulletin of Marine Science 88 (3), 559-569, 2012
Incorporating temporal variation in the growth of red abalone (Haliotis rufescens) using hierarchical Bayesian growth models
Y Jiao, L Rogers-Bennett, I Taniguchi, J Butler, P Crone
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 67 (4), 730-742, 2010
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