Luis Castillo
Luis Castillo
Full Professor of Computer Science, University of Granada
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SAMAP: An user-oriented adaptive system for planning tourist visits
L Castillo, E Armengol, E Onaindía, L Sebastiá, J González-Boticario, ...
Expert Systems with Applications 34 (2), 1318-1332, 2008
Efficiently Handling Temporal Knowledge in an HTN Planner.
LA Castillo, J Fernández-Olivares, Ó García-Pérez, F Palao
ICAPS, 63-72, 2006
Including a simplicity criterion in the selection of the best rule in a genetic fuzzy learning algorithm
L Castillo, A González, R Pérez
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 120 (2), 309-321, 2001
SIADEX: An interactive knowledge-based planner for decision support in forest fire fighting
M de la Asunción, L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, Ó García-Pérez, ...
Ai Communications 18 (4), 257-268, 2005
Bringing users and planning technology together. Experiences in SIADEX
J Fdez-Olivares, L Castillo, O Garcıa-Pérez, F Palao
Proceedings ICAPS06, 11-20, 2006
Distribution network optimization: finding the most economic solution by using genetic algorithms
L Castillo, A González
European Journal of Operational Research 108 (3), 527-537, 1998
Automatic generation of temporal planning domains for e-learning problems
L Castillo, L Morales, A González-Ferrer, J Fdez-Olivares, D Borrajo, ...
Journal of Scheduling 13, 347-362, 2010
PELEA: Planning, learning and execution architecture
V Alcázar, C Guzmán, D Prior, D Borrajo, L Castillo, E Onaindia
PlanSIG’10, 17-24, 2010
Supporting clinical processes and decisions by hierarchical planning and scheduling
J Fdez‐Olivares, L Castillo, JA Cózar, O Garcia Perez
Computational Intelligence 27 (1), 103-122, 2011
From business process models to hierarchical task network planning domains
A González-Ferrer, J Fernández-Olivares, L Castillo
The Knowledge Engineering Review 28 (2), 175-193, 2013
Personalized conciliation of clinical guidelines for comorbid patients through multi-agent planning
J Fdez-Olivares, E Onaindia, L Castillo, J Jordán, J Cózar
Artificial intelligence in medicine 96, 167-186, 2019
JABBAH: A java application framework for the translation between business process models and HTN
A González-Ferrer, J Fernández-Olivares, L Castillo
Proceedings of the 3rd International Competition on Knowledge Engineering …, 2009
Temporal enhancements of an HTN planner
L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, Ó García-Pérez, F Palao
Current Topics in Artificial Intelligence: 11th Conference of the Spanish …, 2006
On the adequacy of hierarchical planning characteristics for real-world problem solving
L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, A González
Sixth European Conference on Planning, 2014
Automatic generation of control sequences for manufacturing systems based on partial order planning techniques
L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, A González
Artificial Intelligence in Engineering 14 (1), 15-30, 2000
On the automatic compilation of e-learning models to planning
A Garrido, S Fernández, L Morales, E Onaindía, D Borrajo, L Castillo
The Knowledge Engineering Review 28 (2), 121-136, 2013
Dynamic goal-oriented planning
F Palao, T Garzón, J Fernández, L Castillo, Ó Garcia
US Patent App. 13/720,996, 2013
Modeling e-learning activities in automated planning
A Garrido, E Onaindia, L Morales, L Castillo, S Fernández, D Borrajo
Proceedings of the 3rd International Competition on Knowledge Engineering …, 2009
Mixing expressiveness and efficiency in a manufacturing planner
L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares IV, A González
Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 13 (2), 141-162, 2001
A middle-ware for the automated composition and invocation of semantic web services based on temporal HTN planning techniques
J Fernández-Olivares, T Garzón, L Castillo, Ó García-Pérez, F Palao
Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence, 70-79, 2007
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Articles 1–20