Arash Dahi Taleghani
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Cited by
Numerical modeling of multistranded-hydraulic-fracture propagation: accounting for the interaction between induced and natural fractures
A Dahi-Taleghani, JE Olson
SPE journal 16 (03), 575-581, 2011
Modeling simultaneous growth of multiple hydraulic fractures and their interaction with natural fractures
JE Olson, A Dahi-Taleghani
SPE hydraulic fracturing technology conference and exhibition, SPE-119739-MS, 2009
How natural fractures could affect hydraulic-fracture geometry
AD Taleghani, JE Olson
SPE journal 19 (01), 161-171, 2014
Numerical simulation of hydraulic fracture propagation in naturally fractured formations using the cohesive zone model
AD Taleghani, M Gonzalez-Chavez, H Yu, H Asala
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 165, 42-57, 2018
Three-dimensional analysis of cement sheath integrity around Wellbores
W Wang, AD Taleghani
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 121, 38-51, 2014
A continuum damage failure model for hydraulic fracturing of porous rocks
A Shojaei, AD Taleghani, G Li
International Journal of Plasticity 59, 199-212, 2014
Overview of numerical models for interactions between hydraulic fractures and natural fractures: challenges and limitations
AD Taleghani, M Gonzalez, A Shojaei
Computers and Geotechnics 71, 361-368, 2016
Impact of hydraulic fracturing on cement sheath integrity; A modelling approach
W Wang, AD Taleghani
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 44, 265-277, 2017
Molecular dynamics simulation of crack propagation in fcc materials containing clusters of impurities
H Rafii-Tabar, HM Shodja, M Darabi, A Dahi
Mechanics of Materials 38 (3), 243-252, 2006
A cohesive model for modeling hydraulic fractures in naturally fractured formations
M Gonzalez, AD Taleghani, JE Olson
SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference and Exhibition, D031S007R002, 2015
Smart lost circulation materials for productive zones
A Mansour, A Dahi Taleghani, S Salehi, G Li, C Ezeakacha
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology 9, 281-296, 2019
The effect of mineralization on the ratio of normal to tangential compliance of fractures
CM Sayers, AD Taleghani, J Adachi
Geophysical Prospecting 57 (3), 439-446, 2009
Repurposing abandoned wells for geothermal energy: Current status and future prospects
L Santos, AD Taleghani, D Elsworth
Renewable Energy 194, 1288-1302, 2022
Analysis on integrity of cement sheath in the vertical section of wells during hydraulic fracturing
K Liu, D Gao, AD Taleghani
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 168, 370-379, 2018
On how pumping hesitations may improve complexity of hydraulic fractures, a simulation study
H Yu, AD Taleghani, Z Lian
Fuel 249, 294-308, 2019
Fracture re-initiation as a possible branching mechanism during hydraulic fracturing
AD Taleghani
ARMA US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, ARMA-10-278, 2010
Numerical modeling of multi-stranded hydraulic fracture propagation: accounting for the interaction between induced and natural fractures
A Dahi-Taleghani, JE Olson
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition?, SPE-124884-MS, 2009
Analysis of multistranded hydraulic fracture propagation: an improved model for the interaction between induced and natural fractures
AD Taleghani, JE Olson
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 2009
An analytical solution for microannulus cracks developed around a wellbore
AD Taleghani, D Klimenko
Journal of Energy Resources Technology 137 (6), 062901, 2015
Smart loss circulation materials for drilling highly fractured zones
AK Mansour, AD Taleghani
SPE/IADC Middle East Drilling Technology Conference and Exhibition, D031S020R001, 2018
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Articles 1–20