Torbert HA
Torbert HA
USDA-ARS National Soil Dynamics Laboratory
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Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria allow reduced application rates of chemical fertilizers
AO Adesemoye, HA Torbert, JW Kloepper
Microbial ecology 58 (4), 921-929, 2009
Enhanced plant nutrient use efficiency with PGPR and AMF in an integrated nutrient management system
AO Adesemoye, HA Torbert, JW Kloepper
Canadian journal of microbiology 54 (10), 876-886, 2008
Tillage-induced soil carbon dioxide loss from different cropping systems
DC Reicosky, WA Dugas, HA Torbert
Soil and Tillage Research 41 (1-2), 105-118, 1997
An evaluation of cassava, sweet potato and field corn as potential carbohydrate sources for bioethanol production in Alabama and Maryland
LH Ziska, GB Runion, M Tomecek, SA Prior, HA Torbet, R Sicher
biomass and bioenergy 33 (11), 1503-1508, 2009
Distribution and amount of soil organic C in long-term management systems in Texas
KN Potter, HA Torbert, OR Jones, JE Matocha, JE Morrison Jr, PW Unger
Soil and Tillage Research 47 (3-4), 309-321, 1998
Effects of soil compaction and water‐filled pore space on soil microbial activity and N losses
HA Torbert, CW Wood
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 23 (11-12), 1321-1331, 1992
Effects of elevated carbon dioxide and increased temperature on methane and nitrous oxide fluxes: evidence from field experiments
FA Dijkstra, SA Prior, GB Runion, HA Torbert, H Tian, C Lu, RT Venterea
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 10 (10), 520-527, 2012
Carbon storage after long-term grass establishment on degraded soils
KN Potter, HA Torbert, HB Johnson, CR Tischler
Soil Science 164 (10), 718-725, 1999
Tillage system, fertilizer nitrogen rate, and timing effect on corn yields in the Texas Blackland Prairie
HA Torbert, KN Potter, JE Morrison
Agronomy Journal 93 (5), 1119-1124, 2001
Increased plant uptake of nitrogen from 15N-depleted fertilizer using plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria
AO Adesemoye, HA Torbert, JW Kloepper
Applied Soil Ecology 46 (1), 54-58, 2010
Relationship of soil test phosphorus and sampling depth to runoff phosphorus in calcareous and noncalcareous soils
HA Torbert, TC Daniel, JL Lemunyon, RM Jones
Journal of Environmental Quality 31 (4), 1380-1387, 2002
Managing cotton nitrogen
TJ Gerik, DM Oosterhuis, HA Torbert
Adv Agron 64, 115-147, 1998
Long‐term tillage and poultry litter impacts soil carbon and nitrogen mineralization and fertility
DB Watts, HA Torbert, SA Prior, G Huluka
Soil Science Society of America Journal 74 (4), 1239-1247, 2010
A review of elevated atmospheric CO2 effects on plant growth and water relations: implications for horticulture
SA Prior, GB Runion, SC Marble, HH Rogers, CH Gilliam, HA Torbert
HortScience 46 (2), 158-162, 2011
Nitrogen response in cotton as affected by tillage system and irrigation level
KF Bronson, AB Onken, JW Keeling, JD Booker, HA Torbert
Soil Science Society of America Journal 65 (4), 1153-1163, 2001
Soil microbial community dynamics as influenced by composted dairy manure, soil properties, and landscape position
DB Watts, HA Torbert, Y Feng, SA Prior
Soil science 175 (10), 474-486, 2010
Winter legume cover crop benefits to corn: rotation vs. fixed-nitrogen effects
HA Torbert, DW Reeves, RL Mulvaney
Agronomy Journal 88 (4), 527-535, 1996
Crop rotation and tillage effects on organic carbon sequestration in the semiarid southern Great Plains
KN Potter, OR Jones, HA Torbert, PW Unger
Soil Science 162 (2), 140-147, 1997
Conservation tillage and traffic effects on soil condition
RL Raper, DW Reeves, EC Burt, HA Torbert
Transactions of the ASAE 37 (3), 763-768, 1994
Review of elevated atmospheric CO2 effects on agro-ecosystems: residue decomposition processes and soil C storage
HA Torbert, SA Prior, HH Rogers, CW Wood
Plant and Soil 224, 59-73, 2000
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Articles 1–20