Mithun Das
Mithun Das
Asst. Professor, Jadavpur University, Kolkata
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An experimental study on the combustion, performance and emission characteristics of a diesel engine fuelled with diesel-castor oil biodiesel blends
M Das, M Sarkar, A Datta, AK Santra
Renewable Energy 119, 174-184, 2018
Study on viscosity and surface tension properties of biodiesel-diesel blends and their effects on spray parameters for CI engines
M Das, M Sarkar, A Datta, AK Santra
Fuel 220, 769-779, 2018
Studies of combustion characteristics of kerosene ethanol blends in an axi-symmetric combustor
J Patra, P Ghose, A Datta, M Das, R Ganguly, S Sen, S Chatterjee
Fuel 144, 205-213, 2015
Experimental investigation of breakup of annular liquid sheet in a hybrid atomizer
S Chatterjee, M Das, A Mukhopadhyay, S Sen
Journal of Propulsion and Power 31 (5), 1232-1241, 2015
Design, development, and technological advancements in gas burners for domestic cook stoves: a review
A Datta, M Das, R Ganguly
Transactions of the Indian National Academy of Engineering 6, 569-593, 2021
Computational fluid dynamic analyses of flow and combustion in a domestic liquefied petroleum gas cookstove burner—part II: burning characteristics and overall performance
M Das, R Ganguly, A Datta, MM Verma, AK Bera
Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications 12 (3), 031011, 2020
Performance improvement of a domestic liquefied petroleum gas cook stove using an extended spill-tray and an annular metal insert
M Das, R Ganguly, A Datta, MM Verma, AK Bera
Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications 13 (2), 021016, 2021
Experimental studies on burning characteristics of methanol, diesel, and sunflower biodiesel fuels
M Das, A Chakraborty, A Datta, AK Santra
Combustion Science and Technology 189 (2), 213-230, 2017
Performance and emission characteristics of biodiesel–diesel blend
M Das
Elsevier, 2020
Computational Fluid Dynamic Analyses of Flow and Combustion in a Domestic Liquified Petroleum Gas Cookstove Burner—Part I: Design Optimization of Mixing Tube–Burner Assembly
S Dey, M Das, R Ganguly, A Datta, MM Verma, AK Bera
Journal of thermal science and Engineering Applications 12 (3), 031010, 2020
Effect of geometric variations on the spray dynamics of an annular fuel sheet in a hybrid atomizer
S Chatterjee, M Das, A Mukhopadhyay, S Sen
Atomization and Sprays 24 (8), 2014
Experimental investigation of a hollow cone spray using laser diagnostics
M Das, S Chatterjee, A Mukhopadhyay, S Sen
Journal of engineering for gas turbines and power 136 (7), 071504, 2014
A parametric study on rotary slinger spray characteristics using laser diagnostics
A Chakraborty, M Das, S Sahu, D Maurya
Proceedings of the National Aerospace Propulsion Conference: Select …, 2022
Analysis of particle image velocimetry measurements of natural convection in an enclosure using proper orthogonal decomposition
N Biswas, S Chatterjee, M Das, A Garai, PC Roy, A Mukhopadhyay
Journal of Heat Transfer 137 (12), 124502, 2015
Spray Characterization of Ethanol Blended Fuel
A Garai, M Das, S Chatterjee
23rdNational Conference on IC Engine and Combustion (NCICEC 2013), SVNIT …, 2013
Influence of pipe inclination on direct contact condensation in counter-current steam-water flow
R Chakraborty, A Chakravarty, M Das
Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, 287-299, 2022
Numerical Analysis of a Self-Aspirated High-Efficiency Domestic LPG Cookstove Burner with Various Cooking Vessels
M Das
11th Interantional and 51st National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid …, 2024
Pressure Drop and Velocity Dynamics of Turbulent Flow Across a U-Bend Pipe: A Numerical Analysis
NM I De, M Das
International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, 2024
Experimental Investigation of Vapour Bubble Condensation in Subcooled Water Using Different Nozzles
S Biswas, A Chakravarty, M Das
Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, 41-48, 2022
Numerical Study on the Effects of Steam and Water Mist Addition on the Laminar Flame Speed of H2/CO Mixtures
A Nandi, S Sarkar, M Das
Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, 121-126, 2021
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Articles 1–20