Sidhant Tiwari
Cited by
Cited by
Experimental demonstration and operating principles of a multiferroic antenna
JD Schneider, JP Domann, MK Panduranga, S Tiwari, P Shirazi, ZJ Yao, ...
Journal of applied physics 126 (22), 2019
Modeling of multiple dynamics in the radiation of bulk acoustic wave antennas
Z Yao, S Tiwari, T Lu, J Rivera, KQT Luong, RN Candler, GP Carman, ...
IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques 5, 5-18, 2019
Using flexural MEMS to study and exploit nonlinearities: a review
S Tiwari, RN Candler
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 29 (8), 083002, 2019
Deep, sub-wavelength acoustic patterning of complex and non-periodic shapes on soft membranes supported by air cavities
KW Tung, PS Chung, C Wu, T Man, S Tiwari, B Wu, YF Chou, F Yang, ...
Lab on a Chip 19 (21), 3714-3725, 2019
Tunable Magnetoelastic Effects in Voltage-Controlled Exchange-Coupled Composite Multiferroic Microstructures
Z Xiao, R Lo Conte, M Goiriena-Goikoetxea, RV Chopdekar, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12 (5), 6752-6760, 2020
Enhanced magnetoelectric coupling in a composite multiferroic system via interposing a thin film polymer
Z Xiao, KP Mohanchandra, R Lo Conte, C Ty Karaba, JD Schneider, ...
AIP Advances 8 (5), 2018
Voltage-Controlled Ferromagnetic Resonance of Dipole-Coupled Nanoellipses
AC Chavez, JD Schneider, A Barra, S Tiwari, RN Candler, GP Carman
Physical Review Applied 12 (4), 044071, 2019
Frequency conversion through nonlinear mixing in acoustic waves
JD Schneider, T Lu, S Tiwari, X Zou, A Mal, RN Candler, YE Wang, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 128 (6), 2020
Enhanced Planar Antenna Efficiency Through Magnetic Thin-Films
Z Yao, S Tiwari, J Schneider, RN Candler, GP Carman, YE Wang
IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques 6, 249-258, 2021
Coupling of Lamb Waves and Spin Waves in Multiferroic Heterostructures
S Tiwari, JD Schneider, S Wintz, SSPK Arekapudi, K Lenz, A Chavez, ...
Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 29 (5), 1121-1123, 2020
An axial mode magnetoelectric antenna: Radiation predictions via multiphysics modeling with experimental validations
EA Burnside, S Tiwari, SR Burnside, RN Candler, R Henderson, S Grimm, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 134 (14), 2023
Ferromagnetic resonance in bulk-acoustic wave multiferroic devices
S Tiwari, P Nordeen, Q Xu, Z Yao, YE Wang, GP Carman, RN Candler
Proc. Solid State Sens., Actuators, Microsyst. Workshop, 420-423, 2016
Experimental validation of multiferroic antennas in GHz frequency range
RF Xu, LC Ippet-Letembet, S Tiwari, ZJ Yao, SM Huang, RN Candler, ...
Applied Physics Letters 123 (16), 2023
Lamb Wave Resonator Loaded Non-reciprocal RF Devices
T Lu, JD Schneider, X Zou, S Tiwari, Z Yao, G Carman, RN Candler, ...
2020 IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS), 516-519, 2020
Dynamics of Multiferroic Coupling
S Tiwari
University of California, Los Angeles, 2020
Frequency Doubling in Wirelessly Actuated Multiferroic MEMS Cantilevers
S Tiwari, M Ho, A Marotto, RN Candler
2018 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS), 1-3, 2018
Realization of high-Q Lamb wave resonator with smooth vertical etching profile for thin film lithium niobate
A Aryal, RK Chityala, I Stricklin, S Tiwari, A Siddiqui, T Busani
Novel Patterning Technologies 2023 12497, 261-264, 2023
Polarization Control of Bulk Acoustic WaveMediated Multiferroic Antennas Based on Thickness Shear Modes
RF Xu, S Tiwari, RN Candler, SY Chen
IET Digital Library, 2018
Parametric Coupling in Aluminum Nitride Lamb Wave Devices Through a Nonlinear Elastic Modulus
J Schneider, T Lu, S Tiwari, X Zou, A Mal, R Candler, Y Wang, G Carman
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 65, 2020
Non-degenerate parametric mixing and Q-enhancement in ALN Lamb wave resonator
T Lu, JD Schneider, S Tiwari, X Zou, LK Yeung, RN Candler, GP Carman, ...
Applied Physics Letters 118 (25), 2021
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Articles 1–20