FJ Poulin
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Cited by
Size-structured planktonic ecosystems: constraints, controls and assembly instructions
FJ Poulin, PJS Franks
Journal of plankton research 32 (8), 1121-1130, 2010
The nonlinear evolution of barotropically unstable jets
FJ Poulin, GR Flierl
Journal of Physical Oceanography 33 (10), 2173-2192, 2003
Parametric instability in oscillatory shear flows
FJ Poulin, GR Flierl, J Pedlosky
Journal of fluid mechanics 481, 329-353, 2003
Planktonic biomass size spectra: an emergent property of size-dependent physiological rates, food web dynamics, and nutrient regimes
DAA Taniguchi, PJS Franks, FJ Poulin
Marine Ecology Progress Series 514, 13-33, 2014
An NPZ model with state-dependent delay due to size-structure in juvenile zooplankton
M Kloosterman, SA Campbell, FJ Poulin
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 76 (2), 551-577, 2016
The stochastic Mathieu's equation
FJ Poulin, GR Flierl
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering …, 2008
Asymptotic analysis of the forced internal gravity wave equation
T Rees, KG Lamb, FJ Poulin
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 72 (4), 1041-1060, 2012
Steep shelf stabilization of the coastal Bransfield Current: Linear stability analysis
FJ Poulin, A Stegner, M Hernández-Arencibia, A Marrero-Díaz, P Sangrà
Journal of physical oceanography 44 (2), 714-732, 2014
The influence of topography on the stability of jets
FJ Poulin, GR Flierl
Journal of physical oceanography 35 (5), 811-825, 2005
Approximating intrinsic noise in continuous multispecies models
M Scott, FJ Poulin, H Tang
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering …, 2011
Sub-inertial dynamics of density-driven flows in a continuously stratified fluid on a sloping bottom. I. Model derivation and stability characteristics
FJ Poulin, GE Swaters
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical, Physical …, 1999
A closed NPZ model with delayed nutrient recycling
M Kloosterman, SA Campbell, FJ Poulin
Journal of mathematical biology 68, 815-850, 2014
Dynamics of a diffusive nutrient-phytoplankton-zooplankton model with spatio-temporal delay
Y Tao, SA Campbell, FJ Poulin
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 81 (6), 2405-2432, 2021
On fully nonlinear, vertically trapped wave packets in a stratified fluid on the f-plane
M Stastna, FJ Poulin, KL Rowe, C Subich
Physics of Fluids 21 (10), 2009
Sub–inertial dynamics of density–driven flows in a continuously stratified fluid on a sloping bottom. II. Isolated eddies and radiating cold domes
FJ Poulin, GE Swaters
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical, Physical …, 1999
Realizing surface-driven flows in the primitive equations
E Bembenek, FJ Poulin, ML Waite
Journal of Physical Oceanography 45 (5), 1376-1392, 2015
Asymptotic scale-dependent stability of surface quasi-geostrophic vortices: semi-analytic results
G Badin, FJ Poulin
Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics 113 (5-6), 574-593, 2019
Numerical simulations of the shear instability and subsequent degeneration of basin scale internal standing waves
A Grace, M Stastna, FJ Poulin
Physical Review Fluids 4 (1), 014802, 2019
The dynamics of quasigeostrophic lens-shaped vortices
BA Storer, FJ Poulin, C Ménesguen
Journal of Physical Oceanography 48 (4), 937-957, 2018
Inertial instabilities of stratified jets: Linear stability theory
MW Harris, FJ Poulin, KG Lamb
Physics of Fluids 34 (8), 2022
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Articles 1–20