Christopher J. Fulton
Christopher J. Fulton
Principal Research Scientist
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Climate-driven regime shift of a temperate marine ecosystem
T Wernberg, S Bennett, RC Babcock, T de Bettignies, K Cure, ...
Science 353 (6295), 169-172, 2016
Functional versatility supports coral reef biodiversity
DR Bellwood, PC Wainwright, CJ Fulton, AS Hoey
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 273 (1582), 101-107, 2006
The relationship between swimming ability and habitat use in wrasses (Labridae)
CJ Fulton, DR Bellwood, PC Wainwright
Marine Biology 139 (1), 25-33, 2001
Wave energy and swimming performance shape coral reef fish assemblages
CJ Fulton, DR Bellwood, PC Wainwright
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 272 (1565), 827-832, 2005
Wave‐induced water motion and the functional implications for coral reef fish assemblages
CJ Fulton, DR Bellwood
Limnology and Oceanography 50 (1), 255-264, 2005
Sediment‐mediated suppression of herbivory on coral reefs: Decreasing resilience to rising sea‐levels and climate change?
DR Bellwood, CJ Fulton
Limnology and Oceanography 53 (6), 2695-2701, 2008
Assembly rules and functional groups at global biogeographical scales
DR Bellwood, PC Wainwright, CJ Fulton, A Hoey
Functional Ecology 16 (5), 557-562, 2002
Form and function of tropical macroalgal reefs in the Anthropocene
CJ Fulton, RA Abesamis, C Berkström, M Depczynski, NAJ Graham, ...
Functional Ecology 33, 989-999, 2019
Wave exposure, swimming performance, and the structure of tropical and temperate reef fish assemblages
CJ Fulton, DR Bellwood
Marine Biology 144, 429-437, 2004
Sea temperature shapes seasonal fluctuations in seaweed biomass within the Ningaloo coral reef ecosystem
CJ Fulton, M Depczynski, TH Holmes, MM Noble, B Radford, T Wernberg, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 59 (1), 156-166, 2014
Utility of primary scientific literature to environmental managers: An international case study on coral-dominated marine protected areas
C Cvitanovic, CJ Fulton, SK Wilson, L van Kerkhoff, IL Cripps, N Muthiga
Ocean & Coastal Management 102, 72-78, 2014
Coral reef fishes exploit flow refuges in high-flow habitats
JL Johansen, DR Bellwood, CJ Fulton
Marine Ecology Progress Series 360, 219-226, 2008
Swimming speed performance in coral reef fishes: field validations reveal distinct functional groups
CJ Fulton
Coral Reefs 26 (2), 217-228, 2007
Life history patterns shape energy allocation among fishes on coral reefs
M Depczynski, CJ Fulton, MJ Marnane, DR Bellwood
Oecologia 153, 111-120, 2007
Macroalgal meadow habitats support fish and fisheries in diverse tropical seascapes
CJ Fulton, C Berkström, SK Wilson, RA Abesamis, M Bradley, C Åkerlund, ...
Fish and Fisheries 21, 700-717, 2020
The role of the reef flat in coral reef trophodynamics: past, present and future.
DR Bellwood, S Tebbett, O Bellwood, M Mihalitsis, R Morais, R Streit, ...
Ecology and Evolution 8, 4108-4119, 2018
Severe coral loss shifts energetic dynamics on a coral reef
RA Morais, M Depczynski, CJ Fulton, M Marnane, P Narvaez, V Huertas, ...
Functional Ecology, 2020
Climate‐driven changes to ocean circulation and their inferred impacts on marine dispersal patterns
LJ Wilson, CJ Fulton, AMC Hogg, KE Joyce, B Radford, CI Fraser
Global Ecology and Biogeography 25 (8), 923-939, 2016
Patterns of foraging in labrid fishes
CJ Fulton, DR Bellwood
Marine ecology. Progress series 226, 135-142, 2002
Critical research needs for managing coral reef marine protected areas: Perspectives of academics and managers
C Cvitanovic, SK Wilson, CJ Fulton, GR Almany, P Anderson, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 114, 84-91, 2013
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