Volkan Cirik
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Cited by
Speaker-follower models for vision-and-language navigation
D Fried, R Hu, V Cirik, A Rohrbach, J Andreas, LP Morency, ...
Advances in neural information processing systems 31, 2018
Searchqa: A new q&a dataset augmented with context from a search engine
M Dunn, L Sagun, M Higgins, VU Guney, V Cirik, K Cho
arXiv preprint arXiv:1704.05179, 2017
Using syntax to ground referring expressions in natural images
V Cirik, T Berg-Kirkpatrick, LP Morency
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 32 (1), 2018
Visualizing and understanding curriculum learning for long short-term memory networks
V Cirik, E Hovy, LP Morency
arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.06204, 2016
Visual referring expression recognition: What do systems actually learn?
V Cirik, LP Morency, T Berg-Kirkpatrick
arXiv preprint arXiv:1805.11818, 2018
Ai-ku: Using substitute vectors and co-occurrence modeling for word sense induction and disambiguation
O Başkaya, E Sert, V Cirik, D Yuret
Second Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (* SEM …, 2013
Refer360: A Referring Expression Recognition Dataset in 360 Images
V Cirik, T Berg-Kirkpatrick, LP Morency
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2020
Following formulaic map instructions in a street simulation environment
V Cirik, Y Zhang, J Baldridge
2018 NeurIPS workshop on visually grounded interaction and language 1, 2018
The AI-KU system at the SPMRL 2013 shared task: Unsupervised features for dependency parsing
V Cirik, H Sensoy
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically …, 2013
HOLM: Hallucinating Objects with Language Models for Referring Expression Recognition in Partially-Observed Scenes
V Cirik, LP Morency, T Berg-Kirkpatrick
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2022
Chess Q&A: Question answering on chess games
V Cirik, LP Morency, E Hovy
Reasoning, Attention, Memory (RAM) Workshop, Neural Information Processing …, 2015
Substitute based scode word embeddings in supervised nlp tasks
V Cirik, D Yuret
arXiv preprint arXiv:1407.6853, 2014
Understanding language referring to the visual world
V Cirik
Carnegie Mellon University, 2022
Analysis of SCODE World Embeddings Based on Substitute Distributions in Supervised Tasks
V Cirik
Koç University, 2014
Addressing ambiguity in unsupervised part-of-speech induction with substitute vectors
V Cirik
51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics …, 2013
Learning grammatical categories using paradigmatic representations: Substitute words for language acquisition
MA Yatbaz, V Cirik, A Küntay, D Yuret
Proceedings of COLING 2016, the 26th International Conference on …, 2016
Cross Modal Content Based Objective for Learning Adequate Multimodal Representations
A Kuncoro, CMU EDU, A Bharadwaj, S Moon, V Cirik, LP Morency, ...
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Articles 1–17