Canny-based method of image contour segmentation D Zahorodnia, Y Pigovsky, P Bykovyy Computing, 200-205, 2016 | 23 | 2016 |
Modeling dynamics of microorganisms systems under uncertainty R Pasichnyk, Y Pigovsky 2007 9th International Conference-The Experience of Designing and …, 2007 | 16 | 2007 |
Genetic algorithm implementation for distributed security systems optimization P Bykovyy, Y Pigovsky, V Kochan, A Sachenko, G Markowsky, S Aksoy 2008 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence for …, 2008 | 10 | 2008 |
Structural statistic method identifying facial images by contour characteristic points D Zahorodnia, Y Pigovsky, P Bykovyy, V Krylov, I Paliy, I Dobrotvor 2015 IEEE 8th International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and …, 2015 | 9 | 2015 |
Ідентифікація дискретних динамічних моделей процесів з інтервальною невизначеністю у біогазових установках переробки органічного сміття ЄО Марценюк, МП Дивак, ЮР Піговський, ТМ Дивак Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія …, 2010 | 9 | 2010 |
Autonomous systems modification of Mono's differential equations to non-autonomous systems in the tasks of modeling processes problems at biogas plants I Hural, M Dyvak, Y Pigovsky, V Spilchuk The Experience of Designing and Application of CAD Systems in …, 2015 | 6 | 2015 |
Automated video surveillance system based on hierarchical object identification D Zahorodnia, Y Pigovsky, P Bykovyy, V Krylov, A Sachenko, A Molga 2018 International Conference on Development and Application Systems (DAS …, 2018 | 4 | 2018 |
Information technology for structural and statistical identification of hierarchical objects D Zahorodnia, Y Pigovsky, P Bykovyy, V Krylov, A Sachenko 2018 14th International Conference on Advanced Trends in Radioelecrtronics …, 2018 | 4 | 2018 |
Fuzzy inference system for vulnerability risk estimation of perimeter security P Bykovyy, Y Pigovsky, A Sachenko, A Banasik 2009 IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Data Acquisition and …, 2009 | 4 | 2009 |
Optimization approaches of multizone furnace loading process control R Pasichnyk, AV Wouwer, Y Pigovsky 2005 IEEE Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems …, 2005 | 4 | 2005 |
Criteria to estimate quality of methods selecting contour inflection points D Zahorodnia, Y Pigovsky, P Bykovyy, V Krylov, B Rusyn, V Koval 2017 9th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and …, 2017 | 3 | 2017 |
Assessment of probabilistic parameters of alarm security detectors taking uncertain noise into account P Bykovyy, Y Pigovsky, V Kochan, N Vasylkiv, A Karachka Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data …, 2011 | 3 | 2011 |
Adaptive model of fermentation processes under uncertainty conditions Y Pigovsky, R Pasichnyk, P Bykovyy, S Jun 2013 IEEE 7th International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and …, 2013 | 2 | 2013 |
An algorithm for minimization of detrimental outputs in low-temperature thermal-controlled processes Y Pigovsky 2008 International Conference on" Modern Problems of Radio Engineering …, 2008 | 1 | 2008 |
Model of periodical thermal chemical processes with fuzzy parameters Y Pigovsky 2006 International Conference-Modern Problems of Radio Engineering …, 2006 | 1 | 2006 |
IDENTIFICATION OF MONOD-IYERUSALIMSKII SYSTEM WITH LOOPBACK CONTROL RM Pasichnyk, YR Pigovsky International Journal of Computing 7 (1), 146-152, 2014 | | 2014 |
Accelerating the parametric identification of the Monod system using explicit and implicit schemas R Pasichnyk, Y Pigovsky, O Gunderych Proceedings of International Conference on Modern Problem of Radio …, 2012 | | 2012 |
Multi-criteria problem of the alarm systems cost-functional characteristics optimization P Bykovyy, Y Pigovsky, A Sachenko Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie/Politechnika Śląska, 25-42, 2012 | | 2012 |
Modeling of fermentation processes under limited by amplitude errors of a technological process M Dyvak, Y Martsenyuk, Y Pigovsky 2010 International Conference on Modern Problems of Radio Engineering …, 2010 | | 2010 |