Avi Arampatzis
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Cited by
A comparative evaluation of pre-processing techniques and their interactions for twitter sentiment analysis
S Symeonidis, D Effrosynidis, A Arampatzis
Expert Systems with Applications 110, 298-310, 2018
The design and implementation of SPIRIT: a spatially aware search engine for information retrieval on the Internet
RS Purves, P Clough, CB Jones, A Arampatzis, B Bucher, D Finch, G Fu, ...
International journal of geographical information science 21 (7), 717-745, 2007
An evaluation of feature selection methods for environmental data
D Effrosynidis, A Arampatzis
Ecological Informatics 61, 101224, 2021
Phrase-based information retrieval
A Arampatzis, T Tsoris, CHA Koster, TP Weide
Information Processing and Management 34 (6), 693-707, 1998
Linguistically-motivated Information Retrieval
A Arampatzis, TP van der Weide, P van Bommel, CHA Koster
Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science 69, 201-222, 2000
Web-based delineation of imprecise regions
A Arampatzis, M Van Kreveld, I Reinbacher, CB Jones, S Vaid, P Clough, ...
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 30 (4), 436-459, 2006
Where to stop reading a ranked list? Threshold optimization using truncated score distributions
A Arampatzis, J Kamps, S Robertson
Proceedings of the 32nd international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and …, 2009
Stock price forecasting via sentiment analysis on Twitter
J Kordonis, S Symeonidis, A Arampatzis
Proceedings of the 20th pan-hellenic conference on informatics, 1-6, 2016
The score-distributional threshold optimization for adaptive binary classification tasks
A Arampatzis, A van Hameren
Proceedings ot the 24th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on …, 2001
A comparison of pre-processing techniques for twitter sentiment analysis
D Effrosynidis, S Symeonidis, A Arampatzis
Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: 21st International …, 2017
A study of query length
A Arampatzis, J Kamps
Proceedings of the 31st annual international ACM SIGIR conference on …, 2008
Dynamic two-stage image retrieval from large multimedia databases
A Arampatzis, K Zagoris, SA Chatzichristofis
Information Processing & Management 49 (1), 274-285, 2013
The climate change Twitter dataset
D Effrosynidis, AI Karasakalidis, G Sylaios, A Arampatzis
Expert Systems with Applications 204, 117541, 2022
A signal-to-noise approach to score normalization
A Arampatzis, J Kamps
Proceedings of the 18th ACM conference on Information and knowledge …, 2009
Multi-dimensional scattered ranking methods for geographic information retrieval
M Van Kreveld, I Reinbacher, A Arampatzis, R Van Zwol
GeoInformatica 9, 61-84, 2005
An evaluation of linguistically-motivated indexing schemes
A Arampatzis, TP van der Weide, CHA Koster, P Van Bommel
Proceedings of the 22nd BCS-IRSG Colloquium on IR Research, 34-45, 2000
Modeling score distributions in information retrieval
A Arampatzis, S Robertson
Information Retrieval 14, 26-46, 2011
IRENA: Information Retrieval Engine based on Natural language Analysis
A Arampatzis, CHA Koster, T Tsoris
RIAO'97 Computer-Assisted Information Searching on Internet, 159-175, 1997
Keystroke dynamics features for gender recognition
I Tsimperidis, A Arampatzis, A Karakos
Digital Investigation 24, 4-10, 2018
Language models and fusion for authorship attribution
O Fourkioti, S Symeonidis, A Arampatzis
Information Processing & Management 56 (6), 102061, 2019
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Articles 1–20