Zala Lenarcic
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Cited by
Dielectric Breakdown in Spin-Polarized Mott Insulator
Z Lenarčič, P Prelovšek
Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 196401, 2012
Time-dependent generalized Gibbs ensembles in open quantum systems
F Lange, Z Lenarčič, A Rosch
Physical Review B 97 (16), 165138, 2018
Pumping approximately integrable systems
F Lange, Z Lenarčič, A Rosch
Nature communications 8 (1), 15767, 2017
Perturbative approach to weakly driven many-particle systems in the presence of approximate conservation laws
Z Lenarčič, F Lange, A Rosch
Physical Review B 97 (2), 024302, 2018
Optical response of highly excited particles in a strongly correlated system
Z Lenarčič, D Golež, J Bonča, P Prelovšek
Physical Review B 89 (12), 125123, 2014
Charge recombination in undoped cuprates
Z Lenarčič, P Prelovšek
Physical Review B 90 (23), 235136, 2014
Activating many-body localization in solids by driving with light
Z Lenarčič, E Altman, A Rosch
Physical Review Letters 121 (26), 267603, 2018
Critical behavior near the many-body localization transition in driven open systems
Z Lenarčič, O Alberton, A Rosch, E Altman
Physical Review Letters 125 (11), 116601, 2020
Exact asymptotics of the current in boundary-driven dissipative quantum chains in large external fields
Z Lenarčič, T Prosen
Physical Review E 91 (3), 030103, 2015
Multistage dynamics of the spin-lattice polaron formation
J Kogoj, Z Lenarčič, D Golež, M Mierzejewski, P Prelovšek, J Bonča
Physical Review B 90 (12), 125104, 2014
Exciton recombination in one-dimensional organic Mott insulators
Z Lenarčič, M Eckstein, P Prelovšek
Physical Review B 92 (20), 201104, 2015
Holon-doublon binding as the mechanism for the Mott transition
P Prelovšek, J Kokalj, Z Lenarčič, RH McKenzie
Physical Review B 92 (23), 235155, 2015
From observations to complexity of quantum states via unsupervised learning
M Schmitt, Z Lenarčič
Physical Review B 106 (4), L041110, 2022
Engineering generalized Gibbs ensembles with trapped ions
F Reiter, F Lange, S Jain, M Grau, JP Home, Z Lenarčič
Physical Review Research 3 (3), 033142, 2021
A Hubbard exciton fluid in a photo-doped antiferromagnetic Mott insulator
O Mehio, X Li, H Ning, Z Lenarčič, Y Han, M Buchhold, Z Porter, ...
Nature Physics 19 (12), 1876-1882, 2023
Emergent dipole moment conservation and subdiffusion in tilted chains
S Nandy, J Herbrych, Z Lenarčič, A Głódkowski, P Prelovšek, ...
Physical Review B 109 (11), 115120, 2024
Spin diffusion in a perturbed isotropic Heisenberg spin chain
S Nandy, Z Lenarčič, E Ilievski, M Mierzejewski, J Herbrych, P Prelovšek
Physical Review B 108 (8), L081115, 2023
From dissipationless to normal diffusion in the easy-axis Heisenberg spin chain
P Prelovšek, S Nandy, Z Lenarčič, M Mierzejewski, J Herbrych
Physical Review B 106 (24), 245104, 2022
Spin- XXZ chain coupled to two Lindblad baths: Constructing nonequilibrium steady states from equilibrium correlation functions
T Heitmann, J Richter, F Jin, S Nandy, Z Lenarčič, J Herbrych, ...
Physical Review B 108 (20), L201119, 2023
Reconstructing effective Hamiltonians from nonequilibrium (pre-) thermal steady states
S Nandy, M Schmitt, M Bukov, Z Lenarčič
arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.08608, 2023
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Articles 1–20