Dr Clare M. Eddy
Dr Clare M. Eddy
Senior Research Fellow, National Centre for Mental Health (BSMHFT) and University of Birmingham
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Cited by
The cognitive impact of antiepileptic drugs
CM Eddy, HE Rickards, AE Cavanna
Therapeutic advances in neurological disorders 4 (6), 385-407, 2011
Quality of life in young people with Tourette syndrome: a controlled study
CM Eddy, R Rizzo, M Gulisano, A Agodi, M Barchitta, P Calì, ...
Journal of neurology 258, 291-301, 2011
Treatment strategies for tics in Tourette syndrome
CM Eddy, HE Rickards, AE Cavanna
Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders 4 (1), 25-45, 2011
Clinical correlates of quality of life in Tourette syndrome
CM Eddy, AE Cavanna, M Gulisano, A Agodi, M Barchitta, P Calì, ...
Movement Disorders 26 (4), 735-738, 2011
Neuropsychological aspects of Tourette syndrome: a review
CM Eddy, R Rizzo, AE Cavanna
Journal of psychosomatic research 67 (6), 503-513, 2009
The junction between self and other? Temporo-parietal dysfunction in neuropsychiatry
CM Eddy
Neuropsychologia 89, 465-477, 2016
Changes in mental state and behaviour in Huntington's disease
CM Eddy, EG Parkinson, HE Rickards
The Lancet Psychiatry 3 (11), 1079-1086, 2016
The effects of comorbid obsessive-compulsive disorder and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder on quality of life in Tourette syndrome
CM Eddy, AE Cavanna, M Gulisano, P Calì, MM Robertson, R Rizzo
The Journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences 24 (4), 458-462, 2012
Behavioral adverse effects of antiepileptic drugs in epilepsy
CM Eddy, HE Rickards, AE Cavanna
Journal of clinical psychopharmacology 32 (3), 362-375, 2012
Consciousness: a neurological perspective
AE Cavanna, S Shah, CM Eddy, A Williams, H Rickards
Behavioural neurology 24 (1), 107-116, 2011
Premonitory urges in adults with complicated and uncomplicated Tourette syndrome
CM Eddy, AE Cavanna
Behavior Modification 38 (2), 264-275, 2014
Cardiovascular safety of aripiprazole and pimozide in young patients with Tourette syndrome
M Gulisano, PV Calì, AE Cavanna, C Eddy, H Rickards, R Rizzo
Neurological Sciences 32, 1213-1217, 2011
On being your own worst enemy: an investigation of socially inappropriate symptoms in Tourette syndrome
CM Eddy, AE Cavanna
Journal of Psychiatric Research 47 (9), 1259-1263, 2013
An approach to deep brain stimulation for severe treatment-refractory Tourette syndrome: the UK perspective
AE Cavanna, CM Eddy, R Mitchell, H Pall, I Mitchell, L Zrinzo, T Foltynie, ...
British journal of neurosurgery 25 (1), 38-44, 2011
Tourette syndrome and obsessive compulsive disorder: Compulsivity along the continuum
CM Eddy, AE Cavanna
Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders 3 (4), 363-371, 2014
Altered social cognition in Tourette syndrome: nature and implications
CM Eddy, AE Cavanna
Behavioural Neurology 27 (1), 15-22, 2013
The Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome-Quality of Life Scale for children and adolescents (C&A-GTS-QOL): development and validation of the Italian version
AE Cavanna, C Luoni, C Selvini, R Blangiardo, CM Eddy, PR Silvestri, ...
Behavioural Neurology 27 (1), 95-103, 2013
What do you have in mind? Measures to assess mental state reasoning in neuropsychiatric populations
CM Eddy
Frontiers in psychiatry 10, 425, 2019
Is H untington's disease associated with deficits in theory of mind?
CM Eddy, S Sira Mahalingappa, HE Rickards
Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 126 (6), 376-383, 2012
‘It's a curse!’: coprolalia in T ourette syndrome
CM Eddy, AE Cavanna
European journal of neurology 20 (11), 1467-1470, 2013
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Articles 1–20