Alcade C. Segnon
Alcade C. Segnon
Other namesAlcade Segnon, Alcade Christel Segnon
Faculty of Agronomic Sciences, University of Abomey-Calavi
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Cited by
Cited by
A systematic global stocktake of evidence on human adaptation to climate change
L Berrang-Ford, AR Siders, A Lesnikowski, AP Fischer, MW Callaghan, ...
Nature Climate Change 11 (11), 989–1000, 2021
Interrogating ‘effectiveness’ in climate change adaptation: 11 guiding principles for adaptation research and practice
C Singh, S Iyer, MG New, R Few, B Kuchimanchi, AC Segnon, ...
Climate and Development 14 (7), 650-664, 2022
Institutional perspectives of climate-smart agriculture: A systematic literature review
E Totin, AC Segnon, M Schut, H Affognon, RB Zougmoré, T Rosenstock, ...
Sustainability 10 (6), 1990, 2018
Key risks across sectors and regions
BC O'Neill, M van Aalst, Z Zaiton Ibrahim, L Berrang-Ford, S Bhadwal, ...
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2022
Global evidence of constraints and limits to human adaptation
A Thomas, E Theokritoff, A Lesnikowski, D Reckien, K Jagannathan, ...
Regional environmental change 21 (3), 1-15, 2021
The effects on public health of climate change adaptation responses: a systematic review of evidence from low-and middle-income countries
PFD Scheelbeek, AD Dangour, S Jarmul, G Turner, AJ Sietsma, JC Minx, ...
Environmental Research Letters 16 (7), 073001, 2021
Ecosystem service values changes in response to land-use/land-cover dynamics in dry afromontane forest in northern Ethiopia
N Solomon, AC Segnon, E Birhane
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16 (23), 4653, 2019
Climate change impacts and adaptation strategies for crops in West Africa: a systematic review
TW Carr, S Mkuhlani, AC Segnon, Z Ali, R Zougmoré, AD Dangour, ...
Environmental research letters 17 (5), 053001, 2022
A global assessment of policy tools to support climate adaptation
N Ulibarri, I Ajibade, EK Galappaththi, ET Joe, A Lesnikowski, KJ Mach, ...
Climate Policy 22 (1), 77-96, 2022
Farmer’s knowledge and perception of diversified farming systems in sub-humid and semi-arid areas in Benin
AC Segnon, EG Achigan-Dako, OG Gaoue, A Ahanchédé
Sustainability 7 (6), 6573-6592, 2015
Adaptation to compound climate risks: a systematic global stocktake
NP Simpson, PA Williams, KJ Mach, L Berrang-Ford, R Biesbroek, ...
iScience 26 (2), 105926, 2023
Synergies and trade-offs between climate change adaptation options and gender equality: a review of the global literature
J Roy, A Prakash, S Some, C Singh, R Bezner Kerr, MA Caretta, C Conde, ...
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 9 (1), 2022
Comparative analysis of diversity and utilization of edible plants in arid and semi-arid areas in Benin
AC Segnon, EG Achigan-Dako
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 10 (1), 1-20, 2014
Differential household vulnerability to climatic and non-climatic stressors in semi-arid areas of Mali, West Africa
AC Segnon, E Totin, RB Zougmoré, JC Lokossou, M Thompson-Hall, ...
Climate and Development 13 (8), 697-712, 2021
Property rights and wrongs: Land reforms for sustainable food production in rural Mali
E Totin, A Segnon, C Roncoli, M Thompson-Hall, A Sidibé, ER Carr
Land Use Policy 109, 105610, 2021
Validity and validation in archetype analysis: Practical assessment framework and guidelines
L Piemontese, R Neudert, C Oberlack, S Pedde, M Roggero, A Buchadas, ...
Environmental Research Letters 17 (2), 025010, 2022
A global assessment of actors and their roles in climate change adaptation
J Petzold, T Hawxwell, K Jantke, E Gonçalves Gresse, C Mirbach, ...
Nature climate change 13 (11), 1250-1257, 2023
Adherence to EAT-Lancet dietary recommendations for health and sustainability in the Gambia
Z Ali, PFD Scheelbeek, J Felix, B Jallow, A Palazzo, AC Segnon, P Havlík, ...
Environmental Research Letters 17 (10), 104043, 2022
Etude de Vulnérabilité aux changements climatiques du Secteur Agriculture au Bénin
PBI Akponikpé, P Tovihoudji, B Lokonon, E Kpadonou, J Amegnaglo, ...
Climate Analytics gGmbH, Berlin, 2019
Towards sustainable vegetable production around agro-pastoral dams in Northern Benin: current situation, challenges and research avenues for sustainable production and …
GN Kpéra, AC Segnon, A Saïdou, GA Mensah, N Aarts, AJ van der Zijpp
Agriculture & Food Security 6 (1), 1-13, 2017
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Articles 1–20