Annie Kammerer
Annie Kammerer
Owner, Annie Kammerer Consulting
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Recent advances in soil liquefaction engineering: a unified and consistent framework
RB Seed, KO Cetin, RES Moss, AM Kammerer, J Wu, JM Pestana, ...
Proceedings of the 26th Annual ASCE Los Angeles Geotechnical Spring Seminar …, 2003
Recent advances in soil liquefaction engineering and seismic site response evaluation
RB Seed, KO Cetin, RES Moss, AM Kammerer, J Wu, JM Pestana, ...
University of Missouri--Rolla, 2001
Laboratory study of liquefaction triggering criteria
WU Jiaer, AM Kammerer, MF Riemer, RB Seed, JM Pestana
13th world conference on earthquake engineering, Vancouver, BC, Canada, Paper, 2004
Undrained response of Monterey 0/30 sand under multidirectional cyclic simple shear loading conditions
AM Kammerer
University of California, Berkeley, 2002
Probabilistic model for the assessment of cyclically induced reconsolidation (volumetric) settlements
KO Cetin, HT Bilge, J Wu, AM Kammerer, RB Seed
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 135 (3), 387-398, 2009
Investigation of the Performance of the New Orleans Flood Protection System in Hurricane Katrina on August 29, 2005: Volume 2
RB Seed, RG Bea, RI Abdelmalak, AG Athanasopoulos, GP Boutwell Jr, ...
Independent Levee Investigation Team: Final Report 2, 2006
Cyclic simple shear testing of Nevada sand for PEER Center project 2051999
A Kammerer, J Wu, J Pestana, M Riemer, R Seed
Geotechnical Engineering Research Rep. UCB/GT/00 1, 2000
Practical implementation guidelines for SSHAC Level 3 and 4 hazard studies
AM Kammerer, JP Ake
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Office of Nuclear Regulatory …, 2012
Probabilistic models for cyclic straining of saturated clean sands
KO Cetin, HT Bilge, J Wu, AM Kammerer, RB Seed
Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering 135 (3), 371-386, 2009
Technical considerations for seismic isolation of nuclear facilities
AM Kammerer, AS Whittaker, MC Constantinou
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Office of Nuclear Regulatory …, 2019
Seismic probabilistic risk assessment for seismically isolated safety-related nuclear facilities
M Kumar, AS Whittaker, RP Kennedy, JJ Johnson, A Kammerer
Nuclear Engineering and Design 313, 386-400, 2017
A new multi-directional direct simple shear testing database
AM Kammerer, J Wu, M Riemer, JM Pestana, RB Seed
Proceedings, 13th World Conf. on Earthquake Engr., Paper 2083, 2004
Shear strain development in liquefiable soil under bi-directional loading conditions
A Kammerer, J Wu, M Riemer, J Pestana, R Seed
Proceedings, 13th World Conf. on Earthquake Engr., Paper 2081, 2004
Behavior of Monterey 0/30 sand under multidirectional loading conditions
AM Kammerer, JM Pestana, RB Seed
Geomechanics: testing, modeling, and simulation, 154-173, 2005
Use of cyclic simple shear testing in evaluation of the deformation potential of liquefiable soils
AM Kammerer, J Wu, M Riemer, JM Pestana, RB Seed
University of Missouri--Rolla, 2001
Some observations of the geotechnical aspects of the February 28, 2001, Nisqually earthquake in Olympia, South Seattle, and Tacoma, Washington
JD Bray, RB Sancio, AM Kammerer, S Merry, A Rodriguez-Marek, ...
Report sponsored by NSF, PEER Center, UCB, University of Arizona, Washington …, 2001
Effect of storage capacity on vertical drain performance in liquefiable sand deposits
JM Pestana, CE Hunt, RR Goughnour, AM Kammerer
Proc., 2nd Int. Conf. on Ground Improvement Techniques, 373-380, 1998
Multi-hazard advanced seismic probabilistic risk assessment tools and applications
JL Coleman, C Bolisetti, S Veeraraghavan, C Parisi, SR Prescott, A Gupta
Idaho National Lab.(INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States), 2016
& Faris, A.(2003). Recent advances in soil liquefaction engineering: a unified and consistent framework
RB Seed, KO Cetin, RE Moss, AM Kammerer, J Wu, JM Pestana
Proceedings of the 26th Annual ASCE Los Angeles Geotechnical Spring Seminar …, 0
Regulatory gaps and challenges for licensing advanced reactors using seismic isolation
A Kammerer, AS Whittaker, J Coleman
Idaho National Laboratory, USA, 2016
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Articles 1–20