Ming-Chih Lai
Ming-Chih Lai
Professor of Applied Mathematics, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
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Cited by
An immersed boundary method with formal second-order accuracy and reduced numerical viscosity
MC Lai, CS Peskin
Journal of computational Physics 160 (2), 705-719, 2000
The immersed interface method for the Navier–Stokes equations with singular forces
Z Li, MC Lai
Journal of Computational Physics 171 (2), 822-842, 2001
An immersed boundary technique for simulating complex flows with rigid boundary
SW Su, MC Lai, CA Lin
Computers & fluids 36 (2), 313-324, 2007
An immersed boundary method for interfacial flows with insoluble surfactant
MC Lai, YH Tseng, H Huang
Journal of Computational Physics 227 (15), 7279-7293, 2008
A method for computing nearly singular integrals
JT Beale, MC Lai
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 38 (6), 1902-1925, 2001
An augmented approach for Stokes equations with a discontinuous viscosity and singular forces
Z Li, K Ito, MC Lai
Computers & Fluids 36 (3), 622-635, 2007
A remark on jump conditions for the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations involving an immersed moving membrane
MC Lai, Z Li
Applied mathematics letters 14 (2), 149-154, 2001
Simulating the dynamics of inextensible vesicles by the penalty immersed boundary method
Y Kim, MC Lai
Journal of Computational Physics 229 (12), 4840-4853, 2010
Fast direct solvers for Poisson equation on 2D polar and spherical geometries
MC Lai, WC Wang
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations: An International …, 2002
Numerical simulation of moving contact lines with surfactant by immersed boundary method
MC Lai, YH Tseng, H Huang
Communications in Computational Physics 8 (4), 735, 2010
New numerical results for the surface quasi-geostrophic equation
P Constantin, MC Lai, R Sharma, YH Tseng, J Wu
Journal of Scientific Computing 50, 1-28, 2012
New formulations for interface problems in polar coordinates
Z Li, WC Wang, IL Chern, MC Lai
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 25 (1), 224-245, 2003
A hybrid immersed boundary and immersed interface method for electrohydrodynamic simulations
WF Hu, MC Lai, YN Young
Journal of Computational Physics 282, 47-61, 2015
Fast direct solver for the biharmonic equation on a disk and its application to incompressible flows
MC Lai, HC Liu
Applied Mathematics and Computation 164 (3), 679-695, 2005
Amoeboid motion in confined geometry
H Wu, M Thiébaud, WF Hu, A Farutin, S Rafai, MC Lai, P Peyla, C Misbah
Physical Review E 92 (5), 050701, 2015
A note on finite difference discretizations for Poisson equation on a disk
MC Lai
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations: An International …, 2001
An immersed boundary method for simulating the dynamics of three-dimensional axisymmetric vesicles in Navier–Stokes flows
WF Hu, Y Kim, MC Lai
Journal of Computational Physics 257, 670-686, 2014
Simulating binary fluid-surfactant dynamics by a phase field model
CH Teng, IL Chern, MC Lai
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B, Special issue for …, 2012
A simple compact fourth-order Poisson solver on polar geometry
MC Lai
Journal of Computational Physics 182 (1), 337-345, 2002
A discontinuity capturing shallow neural network for elliptic interface problems
WF Hu, TS Lin, MC Lai
Journal of Computational Physics 469, 111576, 2022
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Articles 1–20