Mohammad Taghi Ahmadi
Mohammad Taghi Ahmadi
Professor of Civil Engineering,Tarbiat Modares University
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On the seismic behavior of cylindrical base-isolated liquid storage tanks excited by long-period ground motions
MR Shekari, N Khaji, MT Ahmadi
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 30 (10), 968-980, 2010
A coupled BE–FE study for evaluation of seismically isolated cylindrical liquid storage tanks considering fluid–structure interaction
MR Shekari, N Khaji, MT Ahmadi
Journal of Fluids and Structures 25 (3), 567-585, 2009
A discrete crack joint model for nonlinear dynamic analysis of concrete arch dam
MT Ahmadi, M Izadinia, H Bachmann
Computers & Structures 79 (4), 403-420, 2001
System identification of concrete gravity dams using artificial neural networks based on a hybrid finite element–boundary element approach
I Karimi, N Khaji, MT Ahmadi, M Mirzayee
Engineering structures 32 (11), 3583-3591, 2010
Advances in concrete arch dams shape optimization
J Akbari, MT Ahmadi, H Moharrami
Applied Mathematical Modelling 35 (7), 3316-3333, 2011
Modeling transient elastodynamic problems using a novel semi-analytical method yielding decoupled partial differential equations
MI Khodakarami, N Khaji, MT Ahmadi
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 213, 183-195, 2012
Seismic demand evaluation of elevated reinforced concrete water tanks
H Shakib, F Omidinasab, MT Ahmadi
International Journal of Civil Engineering 8 (3), 204-220, 2010
Collapse of the 16-story Plasco building in Tehran due to fire
MT Ahmadi, AA Aghakouchak, R Mirghaderi, S Tahouni, S Garivani, ...
Fire technology 56, 769-799, 2020
A three-dimensional joint opening analysis of an arch dam
MT Ahmadi, S Razavi
Computers & structures 44 (1-2), 187-192, 1992
Full-scale experimental modal analysis of an arch dam: The first experience in Iran
R Tarinejad, MT Ahmadi, RS Harichandran
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 61, 188-196, 2014
Shape sensitivity analysis with design-dependent loadings—equivalence between continuum and discrete derivatives
J Akbari, NH Kim, MT Ahmadi
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 40, 353-364, 2010
A hybrid distinct element–boundary element approach for seismic analysis of cracked concrete gravity dam–reservoir systems
M Mirzayee, N Khaji, MT Ahmadi
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 31 (10), 1347-1356, 2011
Effective techniques for arch dam Ambient Vibration Test: application on two Iranian dams
MR Mivehchi, MT Ahmadi, A Hajmomeni
Journal of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering 5 (2), 23-34, 2003
A new numerical approach in the seismic failure analysis of concrete gravity dams using extended finite element method
M Haghani, BN Neya, MT Ahmadi, JV Amiri
Engineering Failure Analysis 132, 105835, 2022
Analysis of topographic amplification effects on canyon sites using 3D boundary element method
R Tarinejad, MT Ahmadi, N Khaji
Journal of seismology and earthquake engineering 9 (1 and 2), 25-37, 2007
Behaviour of large concrete dam due to an actual maximum credible earthquake
MT Ahmadi, G Khoshrang, A Mokhtarzadeh, A Jalalzadeh
Proc., 10th WCEE, Balkema, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 1992
SefidRud dam’s dynamic response to the large near-field earthquake of June 1990
MT Ahmadi, G Khoshrang
Dam engineering 3 (2), 85-115, 1992
Combining XFEM and time integration by α-method for seismic analysis of dam-foundation-reservoir
M Haghani, BN Neya, MT Ahmadi, JV Amiri
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 109, 102752, 2020
Dynamic adaptive finite element analysis of acoustic wave propagation due to underwater explosion for fluid-structure interaction problems
SS Emamzadeh, MT Ahmadi, S Mohammadi, M Biglarkhani
Journal of Marine Science and Application 14, 302-315, 2015
Adaptive finite element mesh triangulation using self-organizing neural networks
H Jilani, A Bahreininejad, MT Ahmadi
Advances in Engineering Software 40 (11), 1097-1103, 2009
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Articles 1–20