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1662 2002 Surface electromagnetic waves thermally excited: Radiative heat transfer, coherence properties and Casimir forces revisited in the near field K Joulain, JP Mulet, F Marquier, R Carminati, JJ Greffet
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1177 2005 Thermal radiation scanning tunnelling microscopy Y De Wilde, F Formanek, R Carminati, B Gralak, PA Lemoine, K Joulain, ...
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461 2000 Monte Carlo transient phonon transport in silicon and germanium at nanoscales D Lacroix, K Joulain, D Lemonnier
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366 2005 Nanoscale radiative heat transfer between a small particle and a plane surface JP Mulet, K Joulain, R Carminati, JJ Greffet
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