Paul Goldberg
Paul Goldberg
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Soils and micromorphology in archaeology
MA Courty, P Goldberg, R Macphail
Cambridge: Cambridge, 1989
Early human use of marine resources and pigment in South Africa during the Middle Pleistocene
CW Marean, M Bar-Matthews, J Bernatchez, E Fisher, P Goldberg, ...
Nature 449 (7164), 905-908, 2007
Practical and theoretical geoarchaeology
P Goldberg, RI Macphail, C Carey, Y Zhuang
John Wiley & Sons, 2022
Microstratigraphic evidence of in situ fire in the Acheulean strata of Wonderwerk Cave, Northern Cape province, South Africa
F Berna, P Goldberg, LK Horwitz, J Brink, S Holt, M Bamford, M Chazan
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (20), E1215-E1220, 2012
Blombos Cave, southern Cape, South Africa: preliminary report on the 1992–1999 excavations of the Middle Stone Age levels
CS Henshilwood, JC Sealy, R Yates, K Cruz-Uribe, P Goldberg, FE Grine, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science 28 (4), 421-448, 2001
The excavations in Kebara Cave, Mt. Carmel [and comments and replies]
O Bar-Yosef, B Vandermeersch, B Arensburg, A Belfer-Cohen, ...
Current anthropology 33 (5), 497-550, 1992
Early pottery at 20,000 years ago in Xianrendong Cave, China
X Wu, C Zhang, P Goldberg, D Cohen, Y Pan, T Arpin, O Bar-Yosef
Science 336 (6089), 1696-1700, 2012
Diagenesis in prehistoric caves: the use of minerals that form in situ to assess the completeness of the archaeological record
P Karkanas, O Bar-Yosef, P Goldberg, S Weiner
Journal of Archaeological Science 27 (10), 915-929, 2000
Bedding, hearths, and site maintenance in the Middle Stone age of Sibudu cave, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
P Goldberg, CE Miller, S Schiegl, B Ligouis, F Berna, NJ Conard, ...
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 1, 95-122, 2009
Thermoluminescence dates for the Neanderthal burial site at Kebara in Israel
H Valladas, JL Joron, G Valladas, B Arensburg, O Bar-Yosef, ...
Nature 330 (6144), 159-160, 1987
Ash deposits in Hayonim and Kebara caves, Israel: macroscopic, microscopic and mineralogical observations, and their archaeological implications
S Schiegl, P Goldberg, O Bar-Yosef, S Weiner
Journal of archaeological science 23 (5), 763-781, 1996
Middle Stone Age bedding construction and settlement patterns at Sibudu, South Africa
L Wadley, C Sievers, M Bamford, P Goldberg, F Berna, C Miller
Science 334 (6061), 1388-1391, 2011
ESR dates for the hominid burial site of Es Skhul in Israel
CB Stringer, R Grün, HP Schwarcz, P Goldberg
Nature 338 (6218), 756-758, 1989
The early upper paleolithic occupations at Üçağızlı cave (Hatay, Turkey)
SL Kuhn, MC Stiner, E Güleç, I Özer, H Yılmaz, I Baykara, A Açıkkol, ...
Journal of human evolution 56 (2), 87-113, 2009
Neandertals made the first specialized bone tools in Europe
M Soressi, SP McPherron, M Lenoir, T Dogand¾iæ, P Goldberg, Z Jacobs, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (35), 14186-14190, 2013
Evidence for the use of fire at Zhoukoudian, China
S Weiner, Q Xu, P Goldberg, J Liu, O Bar-Yosef
Science 281 (5374), 251-253, 1998
New excavations at the Tabun Cave, Mount Carmel, Israel, 1967-1972: a preliminary report
AJ Jelinek, WR Farrand, G Haas, A Horowitz, P Goldberg
Paléorient, 151-183, 1973
Early Upper Paleolithic in Eastern Europe and implications for the dispersal of modern humans
MV Anikovich, AA Sinitsyn, JF Hoffecker, VT Holliday, VV Popov, ...
science 315 (5809), 223-226, 2007
The exploitation of plant resources by Neanderthals in Amud Cave (Israel): the evidence from phytolith studies
M Madella, MK Jones, P Goldberg, Y Goren, E Hovers
Journal of Archaeological Science 29 (7), 703-719, 2002
Radiocarbon dating of charcoal and bone collagen associated with early pottery at Yuchanyan Cave, Hunan Province, China
E Boaretto, X Wu, J Yuan, O Bar-Yosef, V Chu, Y Pan, K Liu, D Cohen, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (24), 9595-9600, 2009
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Articles 1–20