Miguel Garcia Silvente
Miguel Garcia Silvente
Dept Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. University of Granada
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Cited by
Cited by
People detection and tracking using stereo vision and color
R Munoz-Salinas, E Aguirre, M García-Silvente
Image and Vision Computing 25 (6), 995-1007, 2007
Segmentation of cervical cell nuclei in high-resolution microscopic images: a new algorithm and a web-based software framework
C Bergmeir, MG Silvente, JM Benítez
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 107 (3), 497-512, 2012
A keypoints-based feature extraction method for iris recognition under variable image quality conditions
Y Alvarez-Betancourt, M Garcia-Silvente
Knowledge-Based Systems 92, 169-182, 2016
Boundary simplification using a multiscale dominant-point detection algorithm
A Garrido, M Garcia-Silvente
Pattern Recognition 31 (6), 791-804, 1998
An overview of iris recognition: a bibliometric analysis of the period 2000–2012
Y Alvarez-Betancourt, M Garcia-Silvente
Scientometrics 101, 2003-2033, 2014
Detection of doors using a genetic visual fuzzy system for mobile robots
R Munoz-Salinas, E Aguirre, M Garcia-Silvente
Autonomous Robots 21, 123-141, 2006
Automatic tuning of a fuzzy visual system using evolutionary algorithms: single-objective versus multiobjective approaches
R Munoz-Salinas, E Aguirre, O Cordón, M Garcia-Silvente
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 16 (2), 485-501, 2008
Door-detection using computer vision and fuzzy logic
RM NOZ-SALINAS, E Aguirre, M García-Silvente, AG ALEZ
Citeseer, 2004
A multiple object tracking approach that combines colour and depth information using a confidence measure
R Munoz-Salinas, E Aguirre, M García-Silvente, A Gonzalez
Pattern Recognition Letters 29 (10), 1504-1514, 2008
Adaptive multi-modal stereo people tracking without background modelling
R Munoz-Salinas, M García-Silvente, RM Carnicer
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 19 (2), 75-91, 2008
People detection and tracking through stereo vision for human-robot interaction
R Munoz-Salinas, E Aguirre, M Garcia-Silvente, A Gonzalez
Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 337-346, 2005
A multiscale algorithm for nuclei extraction in pap smear images
D Garcia-Gonzalez, M Garcia-Silvente, E Aguirre
Expert Systems with Applications 64, 512-522, 2016
Segmentation of cervical cell images using mean-shift filtering and morphological operators
C Bergmeir, MG Silvente, JE López-Cuervo, JM Benítez
Medical Imaging 2010: Image Processing 7623, 1337-1345, 2010
A new fuzzy based algorithm for solving stereo vagueness in detecting and tracking people
R Paúl, E Aguirre, M Garcia-Silvente, R Munoz-Salinas
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 53 (4), 693-708, 2012
Leg detection and tracking for a mobile robot and based on a laser device, supervised learning and particle filtering
E Aguirre, M Garcia-Silvente, J Plata
ROBOT2013: First Iberian Robotics Conference: Advances in Robotics, Vol. 1 …, 2014
A multi-agent system architecture for mobile robot navigation based on fuzzy and visual behaviour
R Munoz-Salinas, E Aguirre, M García-Silvente, M Gómez
Robotica 23 (6), 689-699, 2005
A new edge detector integrating scale-spectrum information
M García-Silvente, JA García, J Fdez-Valdivia, A Garrido
Image and Vision Computing 15 (12), 913-923, 1997
A fast iris location based on aggregating gradient approximation using QMA-OWA operator
Y Alvarez-Betancourt, M Garcia-Silvente
International conference on fuzzy systems, 1-8, 2010
An Evaluation of the Novel" Normalized-Redundancy" Representation for Planar Curves
J Fdez-Valdivia, JA Garcia, M García-Silvente
International journal of pattern recognition and artificial intelligence 10 …, 1996
Multi-agent system for people detection and tracking using stereo vision in mobile robots
R Muñoz-Salinas, E Aguirre, M García-Silvente, A Ayesh, M Gongora
Robotica 27 (5), 715-727, 2009
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Articles 1–20