Wengang Zhang
Wengang Zhang
National Cancer Institute
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Cited by
Why we need to look beyond the glass transition temperature to characterize the dynamics of thin supported polymer films
W Zhang, JF Douglas, FW Starr
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of …, 2018
Why We Need to Look Beyond the Glass Transition Temperature to Characterize the Dynamics of Thin Supported Polymer Films
W Zhang, JF Starr, Francis W., Douglas
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2018
The interfacial zone in thin polymer films and around nanoparticles in polymer nanocomposites
W Zhang, H Emamy, ...
The Journal of Chemical Physics 151 (12), 124705, 2019
Effects of a “bound” substrate layer on the dynamics of supported polymer films
W Zhang, JF Douglas, FW Starr
The Journal of Chemical Physics 147 (4), 044901, 2017
Collective motion in the interfacial and interior regions of supported polymer films and its relation to relaxation
W Zhang, FW Starr, JF Douglas
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 123 (27), 5935-5941, 2019
What does the instantaneous normal mode spectrum tell us about dynamical heterogeneity in glass-forming fluids?
W Zhang, JF Douglas, FW Starr
The Journal of Chemical Physics 151 (18), 2019
Dynamical heterogeneity in a vapor-deposited polymer glass
W Zhang, JF Douglas, FW Starr
The Journal of Chemical Physics 146 (20), 2017
Activation free energy gradient controls interfacial mobility gradient in thin polymer films
W Zhang, FW Starr, JF Douglas
The Journal of Chemical Physics 155 (17), 2021
Reconciling computational and experimental trends in the temperature dependence of the interfacial mobility of polymer films
W Zhang, FW Starr, JF Douglas
The Journal of Chemical Physics 152 (12), 2020
Structure and dynamics of star polymer films from coarse-grained molecular simulations
W Zhang, JF Douglas, A Chremos, FW Starr
Macromolecules 54 (12), 5344-5353, 2021
Protein conformational ensembles in function: roles and mechanisms
R Nussinov, Y Liu, W Zhang, H Jang
RSC Chemical Biology 4 (11), 850-864, 2023
The effect of nanoparticle softness on the interfacial dynamics of a model polymer nanocomposite
Y Zhu, A Giuntoli, W Zhang, Z Lin, S Keten, FW Starr, JF Douglas
The Journal of Chemical Physics 157 (9), 2022
How does monomer structure affect the interfacial dynamics of supported ultrathin polymer films?
AN Storey, W Zhang, JF Douglas, FW Starr
Macromolecules 53 (21), 9654-9664, 2020
Modeling short-chain branched polyethylenes in dilute solution under variable solvent quality conditions: Basic configurational properties
W Zhang, F Vargas-Lara, SV Orski, KL Beers, JF Douglas
Polymer 217, 123429, 2021
Reactive molecular dynamics simulations of the depolymerization of polyethylene using graphene-oxide-supported platinum nanoparticles
W Zhang, FW Starr, KL Beers, JF Douglas
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 126 (20), 3167-3173, 2022
How dispersity from step-growth polymerization affects polymer dynamics from coarse-grained molecular simulations
W Zhang, JF Douglas, FW Starr
Macromolecules 55 (22), 9901-9907, 2022
SHP2 clinical phenotype, cancer, or RASopathies, can be predicted by mutant conformational propensities
Y Liu, W Zhang, H Jang, R Nussinov
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 81 (1), 5, 2024
Cell phenotypes can be predicted from propensities of protein conformations
R Nussinov, Y Liu, W Zhang, H Jang
Current Opinion in Structural Biology 83, 102722, 2023
Mitogen signaling strength and duration can control cell cycle decisions
R Nussinov, W Zhang, Y Liu, H Jang
Science Advances 10 (27), eadm9211, 2024
Combined Simulation and Experimental Study of Polyampholyte Solution Properties: Effects of Charge Ratio, Hydrophobic Groups, and Polymer Concentration
W Zhang, Y Ma, ND Posey, MJ Lueckheide, VM Prabhu, JF Douglas
Macromolecules 55 (15), 6750-6761, 2022
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Articles 1–20