Hyejin Park, Ph.D.
Cited by
Cited by
A Scientometric Study of Digital Literacy, ICT Literacy, Information Literacy, and Media Literacy
H Park, HS Kim, HW Park
Journal of Data and Information Science, 2020
A Review of Ten-Year Research through Co-citation Analysis: Online Learning, Distance Learning, and Blended Learning
H Park, P Shea
Online Learning 24 (2), 225-244, 2020
Mapping a Twitter scholarly communication network: a case of the association of internet researchers’ conference
MK Lee, HY Yoon, M Smith, HJ Park, HW Park
Scientometrics 112 (2), 767-797, 2017
Research evaluation of Asian countries using altmetrics: comparing South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, and China
H Park, HW Park
Scientometrics 117 (2), 771-788, 2018
Corpus linguistics research trends from 1997 to 2016: A co-citation analysis
H Park, D Nam
Linguistic Research 34 (3), 427-457, 2017
Discussion, news information, and research sharing on social media at the onset of Covid-19
H Park, JP Biddix, HW Park
Profesional de la información 30 (4), e300405, 2021
Two-side face of knowledge building using scientometric analysis
H Park, HW Park
Quality & Quantity 52 (6), 2815-2836, 2018
Global-level relationships of international student mobility and research mentions on social media
H Park, HW Park
Profesional de la información 30 (2), e300214, 2021
Discourse about higher education on Twitter in early phases of COVID‑19: A crisis management social network analysis
JP Biddix, H Park, GD Collom, MR Bailey, HW Park
Education and Information Technologies, 2023
Towards the operationalization of controversial news: a study of online news articles and reader comments during the 2017 presidential election in South Korea
CW Kim, H Park, YO Lee, HW Park
Quality & Quantity 53 (3), 1097-1108, 2019
Network structures of in-service teachers’ collective knowledge construction: An SNA analysis of multiliteracies online course
MS Kim, H Park, D Kici
Innovations in Education and Teaching International 58 (1), 47-58, 2021
From hype to insight: Exploring ChatGPT's early footprint in education via altmetrics and bibliometrics
LH Wong, H Park, CK Looi
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 2024
Reviewing Design Thinking in and out of Education: Scientometrics and Visualization
H Park, MS Kim, HA Ifewulu
Research in Integrated STEM Education 1, 341–371, 2023
Learning Analytics for Teacher Noticing and Scaffolding: Facilitating Knowledge Building Progress in Science
H Park, J Zhang
The 15th International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 2022
COVID-19 Pandemic and Online School Opening in South Korea: An Analysis of Korean Twitter Discourse
H Park, HS Kim, HW Park
Journal of the Korean Data Analysis Society 22 (6), 2535-2549, 2020
Developing a controversy indicator using online news and replies: a case of the 2017 presidential campaign in South Korea
CW Kim, HJ Park, HW Yun, HW Park
Journal of the Korean Data Analysis Society 20 (2), 937-948, 2018
Infrastructuring for Knowledge Building
B Chen, M Scardamalia, C Bereiter, J Zhang, H Park, CL Teo, G Yuan, ...
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer-Supported …, 2023
Sino-Globalization Network of Chinese Migrants, Students, and Travellers
Y Zhu, H Park, HW Park
Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society 21 (9), 509-517, 2020
Teachers’ Reflective Noticing and Responsive Scaffolding to Support Student Knowledge Building in Grade 5 Science
H Park, J Zhang
2020 Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA), 2020
Analyzing article citation patterns in CALL journals
H Park
Multimedia-Assisted Language Learning 15 (2), 143-166, 2012
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Articles 1–20