Marta Salas
Cited by
Cited by
Real-time monocular object slam
D Gálvez-López, M Salas, JD Tardós, JMM Montiel
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 75, 435-449, 2016
RoboEarth semantic mapping: A cloud enabled knowledge-based approach
L Riazuelo, M Tenorth, D Di Marco, M Salas, D Gálvez-López, ...
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 12 (2), 432-443, 2015
Grouping-based low-rank trajectory completion and 3D reconstruction
K Fragkiadaki, M Salas, P Arbelaez, J Malik
advances in neural information processing systems 27, 2014
Layout aware visual tracking and mapping
M Salas*, W Hussain*, A Concha, L Montano, J Civera, JMM Montiel
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS'15), 2015
Roboearth web-enabled and knowledge-based active perception
L Riazuelo, M Tenorth, DD Marco, M Salas, L Mosenlechner, L Kunze, ...
IROS Workshop on AI-based Robotics, 2013
Trajectory alignment and evaluation in SLAM: Horns method vs alignment on the manifold
M Salas, Y Latif, ID Reid, J Montiel
Robotics: Science and Systems Workshop: The problem of mobile sensors, 1-3, 2015
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Articles 1–6