Marjan Sternad
Marjan Sternad
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Cited by
Using maturity model and discrete-event simulation for industry 4.0 implementation
B Gajsek, J Marolt, B Rupnik, T Lerher, M Sternad
International Journal of Simulation Modelling 18 (3), 488-499, 2019
Maturity levels for logistics 4.0 based on NRW's Industry 4.0 maturity model
M Sternad, T Lerher, B Gajšek
Business Logistics in Modern Management, 2018
The accuracy analysis of measurement tools for traffic accident investigation
D Topolšek, EA Herbaj, M Sternad
Journal of Transportation Technologies 2014, 2014
Prometni sistemi
B Rosi, M Sternad
Fakulteta za logistiko, 2009
Compatibility about the concept of energy hub: A strict and visual review
MA Hammad, S Elgazzar, M Obrecht, M Sternad
International Journal of Energy Sector Management 16 (1), 1-20, 2022
Information flow in the context of the green concept, industry 4.0, and supply chain integration
B Gajšek, M Sternad
Integration of Information Flow for Greening Supply Chain Management, 297-323, 2020
International logistics performance based on the DEA analysis
M Sternad, T Skrucany, B Jereb
Communications-Scientific letters of the University of Zilina 20 (4), 10-15, 2018
Zbirka e-gradiv za predmet Prometni sistemi
B Rosi, M Sternad
Celje–Krško: Fakulteta za logistiko, 2008
Cost Calculation in road freight transport
M Sternad
Business Logistics in Modern Management, 2019
Osnove prometnih sistemov
B Rosi, M Sternad
Fakulteta za logistiko, 2009
Prometni sistemi, E-gradivo
B Rosi, M Sternad
Univerza v Mariboru–Fakulteta za logistiko Celje–Krško, 2007
Metrics of logistics costs in Slovenian companies
M Sternad
Business Logistics in Modern Management, 2018
Obvladovanje vrednostne verige v logistiki
M Sternad, B Rosi
Celje: Fakulteta za logistiko Univerze v Mariboru, 2011
The influence of logistics barriers on lead times and service levels in Slovenia
M Sternad, T Cvahte, D Topolšek, G Justinek
International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management 23 (4), 519-533, 2016
Mednarodna podjetniška logistika
B Rosi, M Sternad
Izhodišča o prometu (e-gradivo), 2009
Vplivi evropske prometne politike na rast in razvoj prometa v Sloveniji: The impacts of European transport policy on traffic development and growth in Slovenia: magistrsko delo
M Sternad, K Logožar, V Potočan
M. Sternad, 2008
Solar energised transport solution and customer preferences and opinions about alternative fuel vehicles-the case of Slovenia
M Knez, M Sternad
Transport Problems 10, 2015
Trženje in komercialno poslovanje v železniškem prometu
B Angelovski, M Sternad
Prometna šola, Višja prometna šola, 2005
Logistics performance and its connection to competitiveness of the national economy in Slovenia and the Visegrad Group
U Kramar, M Sternad, T Cvahte
European Perspectives 7 (2), 83, 2015
Positive impact of electrical energy resources on the implementation of logistics operations
M Knez, B Rosi, M Sternad, P Bajor
The Second BH Congress on Roads, Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina 24, 25, 2009
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Articles 1–20