Christian Thiel
Christian Thiel
DLR Data Science
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Mapping CORINE land cover from Sentinel-1A SAR and SRTM digital elevation model data using random forests
H Balzter, B Cole, C Thiel, C Schmullius
Remote Sensing 7 (11), 14876-14898, 2015
Estimation of forest aboveground biomass and uncertainties by integration of field measurements, airborne LiDAR, and SAR and optical satellite data in Mexico
M Urbazaev, C Thiel, F Cremer, R Dubayah, M Migliavacca, M Reichstein, ...
Carbon balance and management 13, 1-20, 2018
Comparison of UAV photograph-based and airborne lidar-based point clouds over forest from a forestry application perspective
C Thiel, C Schmullius
International Journal of Remote Sensing 38 (8-10), 2411-2426, 2017
Forest biomass retrieval approaches from earth observation in different biomes
P Rodríguez-Veiga, S Quegan, J Carreiras, HJ Persson, JES Fransson, ...
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 77, 53-68, 2019
Operational large-area forest monitoring in Siberia using ALOS PALSAR summer intensities and winter coherence
CJ Thiel, C Thiel, CC Schmullius
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 47 (12), 3993-4000, 2009
Towards Sentinel-1 SAR analysis-ready data: A best practices assessment on preparing backscatter data for the cube
J Truckenbrodt, T Freemantle, C Williams, T Jones, D Small, C Dubois, ...
Data 4 (3), 93, 2019
Removal of optically thick clouds from multi-spectral satellite images using multi-frequency SAR data
R Eckardt, C Berger, C Thiel, C Schmullius
Remote Sensing 5 (6), 2973-3006, 2013
Aboveground woody biomass product validation good practices protocol
L Duncanson, J Armston, M Disney, V Avitabile, N Barbier, K Calders, ...
Land Product Validation Subgroup (WGCV/CEOS, 2021
Linking remote sensing and geodiversity and their traits relevant to biodiversity—Part I: soil characteristics
A Lausch, J Baade, L Bannehr, E Borg, J Bumberger, S Chabrilliat, ...
Remote sensing 11 (20), 2356, 2019
The potential of ALOS PALSAR backscatter and InSAR coherence for forest growing stock volume estimation in Central Siberia
C Thiel, C Schmullius
Remote Sensing of Environment 173, 258-273, 2016
Assessment of the mapping of fractional woody cover in southern African savannas using multi-temporal and polarimetric ALOS PALSAR L-band images
M Urbazaev, C Thiel, R Mathieu, L Naidoo, SR Levick, IPJ Smit, GP Asner, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 166, 138-153, 2015
Analysis of the radar vegetation index and potential improvements
C Szigarski, T Jagdhuber, M Baur, C Thiel, M Parrens, JP Wigneron, ...
Remote sensing 10 (11), 1776, 2018
Radar remote sensing for the delineation of forest cover maps and the detection of deforestation
C Thiel, P Drezet, C Weise, S Quegan, C Schmullius
Forestry 79 (5), 589-597, 2006
Growing stock volume estimation from L-band ALOS PALSAR polarimetric coherence in Siberian forest
TA Chowdhury, C Thiel, C Schmullius
Remote sensing of environment 155, 129-144, 2014
Polarimetric parameters for growing stock volume estimation using ALOS PALSAR L-band data over Siberian forests
TA Chowdhury, C Thiel, C Schmullius, M Stelmaszczuk-Górska
Remote Sensing 5 (11), 5725-5756, 2013
Estimation of above-ground biomass over boreal forests in siberia using updated in situ, ALOS-2 PALSAR-2, and RADARSAT-2 data
MA Stelmaszczuk-Górska, M Urbazaev, C Schmullius, C Thiel
Remote Sensing 10 (10), 1550, 2018
A GIS based approach to back trajectory analysis for the source apportionment of aerosol constituents and its first application
D van Pinxteren, E Brüggemann, T Gnauk, K Müller, C Thiel, H Herrmann
Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry 67, 1-28, 2010
Assessment of terrain elevation estimates from ICESat-2 and GEDI spaceborne LiDAR missions across different land cover and forest types
M Urbazaev, LL Hess, S Hancock, LY Sato, JP Ometto, C Thiel, C Dubois, ...
Science of Remote Sensing 6, 100067, 2022
Linking the remote sensing of geodiversity and traits relevant to biodiversity—part II: geomorphology, terrain and surfaces
A Lausch, ME Schaepman, AK Skidmore, SC Truckenbrodt, JM Hacker, ...
Remote sensing 12 (22), 3690, 2020
Citizen science’s transformative impact on science, citizen empowerment and socio-political processes
J von Gönner, TM Herrmann, T Bruckermann, M Eichinger, S Hecker, ...
Socio-Ecological Practice Research 5 (1), 11-33, 2023
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Articles 1–20