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Very-high-resolution mapping of river-immersed topography by remote sensing
D Feurer, JS Bailly, C Puech, Y Le Coarer, AA Viau
Progress in physical geography 32 (4), 403-419, 2008
Joining multi-epoch archival aerial images in a single SfM block allows 3-D change detection with almost exclusively image information
D Feurer, F Vinatier
ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing 146, 495-506, 2018
Ground deformation detection of the greater area of Thessaloniki (Northern Greece) using radar interferometry techniques
D Raucoules, I Parcharidis, D Feurer, F Novalli, A Ferretti, C Carnec, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 8 (4), 779-788, 2008
Observation of a large landslide on La Reunion Island using differential SAR interferometry (JERS and Radarsat) and correlation of optical (Spot5 and Aerial) images
C Delacourt, D Raucoules, S Le Mouélic, C Carnec, D Feurer, P Allemand, ...
Sensors 9 (1), 616-630, 2009
TERRA: Terrain extraction from elevation rasters through repetitive anisotropic filtering
A Pijl, JS Bailly, D Feurer, MA El Maaoui, MR Boussema, P Tarolli
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 84, 101977, 2020
Subsidence monitoring within the Athens Basin (Greece) using space radar interferometric techniques
I Parcharidis, E Lagios, V Sakkas, D Raucoules, D Feurer, S Le Mouélic, ...
Earth, planets and space 58, 505-513, 2006
OMERE: A long‐term observatory of soil and water resources, in interaction with agricultural and land management in Mediterranean hilly catchments
J Molenat, D Raclot, R Zitouna, P Andrieux, G Coulouma, D Feurer, ...
Vadose Zone Journal 17 (1), 1-18, 2018
Assessing water surface effects on LiDAR bathymetry measurements in very shallow rivers: A theoretical study
T Allouis, JS Bailly, D Feurer
Proceedings of the Second Space for Hydrology Workshop “Surface Water …, 2007
Airborne LiDAR methods applied to riverine environments
JS Bailly, PJ Kinzel, T Allouis, D Feurer, Y Le Coarer
Fluvial remote sensing for science and management, 141-161, 2012
The Time-SIFT method: detecting 3-D changes from archival photogrammetric analysis with almost exclusively image information
D Feurer, F Vinatier
arXiv preprint arXiv:1807.09700, 2018
Assessing new sensor‐based volume measurement methods for high‐throughput bulk density estimation in the field under various soil conditions
G Coulouma, D Feurer, F Vinatier, O Huttel
European Journal of Soil Science 72 (5), 2049-2061, 2021
The use of photogrammetry to construct time series of vegetation permeability to water and seed transport in agricultural waterways
F Vinatier, J Dollinger, G Rudi, D Feurer, G Belaud, JS Bailly
Remote Sensing 10 (12), 2050, 2018
Using kites for 3-D mapping of gullies at decimetre-resolution over several square kilometres: a case study on the Kamech catchment, Tunisia
D Feurer, O Planchon, MA El Maaoui, A Ben Slimane, MR Boussema, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 18 (6), 1567-1582, 2018
Géométrie 3D des lits de rivière par stéréophotogrammétrie à travers l'eau
D Feurer
AgroParisTech, 2008
Solving photogrammetric cold cases using AI-based image matching: New potential for monitoring the past with historical aerial images
F Maiwald, D Feurer, A Eltner
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 206, 184-200, 2023
Deriving bathymetries from unmanned aerial vehicles: a case study of a small intermittent reservoir
S Massuel, D Feurer, MA El Maaoui, R Calvez
Hydrological Sciences Journal 67 (1), 82-93, 2022
Épaisseur d'eau minimale mesurable en rivière sur fronts d'ondes lidar simulés
A Lesaignoux, JS Bailly, T Allouis, D Feurer
Revue française de photogrammétrie et de télédétection, 2007
Assessment of kite born DEM accuracy for gullies measuring
MA El Maaoui, D Feurer, O Planchon, MR Boussema, MH Snane
Journal of Research in Environmental and Earth Sciences 3, 118-124, 2015
Bathymetric measurement of rivers by remote sensing techniques: a review
D Feurer, C Puech, JS Bailly, AA Viau
International conference on Riverine hydroecology: advances in research and …, 2006
RISAR Validation report–Rice mapping in the Mekong delta, ESA contract No 13201
T Le-Toan, D Feurer, G Florsch
98/NL/SB CCN, 2003
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Articles 1–20