Peter Akong Minang
Peter Akong Minang
Scientist, World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)
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Agroforestry solutions to address food security and climate change challenges in Africa
C Mbow, M Van Noordwijk, E Luedeling, H Neufeldt, PA Minang, ...
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 6, 61-67, 2014
Climate‐smart landscapes: opportunities and challenges for integrating adaptation and mitigation in tropical agriculture
CA Harvey, M Chacon, CI Donatti, E Garen, L Hannah, A Andrade, ...
Conservation Letters 7 (2), 77-90, 2014
Assessing participatory GIS for community‐based natural resource management: claiming community forests in Cameroon
MK McCall, PA Minang
Geographical Journal 171 (4), 340-356, 2005
Climate change mitigation and adaptation in the land use sector: from complementarity to synergy
LA Duguma, PA Minang, M van Noordwijk
Environmental management 54, 420-432, 2014
Operationalizing the integrated landscape approach in practice
OE Freeman, LA Duguma, PA Minang
Ecology and Society 20 (1), 2015
Payments for environmental services: evolution toward efficient and fair incentives for multifunctional landscapes
M van Noordwijk, B Leimona, R Jindal, GB Villamor, M Vardhan, ...
Annual Review of Environment and Resources 37 (1), 389-420, 2012
SDG synergy between agriculture and forestry in the food, energy, water and income nexus: reinventing agroforestry?
M van Noordwijk, LA Duguma, S Dewi, B Leimona, DC Catacutan, ...
Current opinion in environmental sustainability 34, 33-42, 2018
Measuring the effectiveness of landscape approaches to conservation and development
JA Sayer, C Margules, AK Boedhihartono, T Sunderland, JD Langston, ...
Sustainability Science 12, 465-476, 2017
Participatory planning, monitoring and evaluation of multi-stakeholder platforms in integrated landscape initiatives
K Kusters, L Buck, M de Graaf, P Minang, C van Oosten, R Zagt
Environmental management 62 (1), 170-181, 2018
Climate-smart landscapes: multifunctionality in practice
PA Minang, M van Noordwijk, OE Freeman, C Mbow, J de Leeuw, ...
ASB Partnership for The Tropical Forest margins, 2014
Design challenges for achieving reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation through conservation: leveraging multiple paradigms at the tropical forest margins
PA Minang, M Van Noordwijk
Land Use Policy 31, 61-70, 2013
Deforestation and forest degradation as an environmental behavior: unpacking realities shaping community actions
LA Duguma, J Atela, PA Minang, AN Ayana, B Gizachew, JM Nzyoka, ...
Land 8 (2), 26, 2019
REDD+ Readiness progress across countries: time for reconsideration
PA Minang, M Van Noordwijk, LA Duguma, D Alemagi, TH Do, F Bernard, ...
Climate policy 14 (6), 685-708, 2014
Prospects for agroforestry in REDD+ landscapes in Africa
PA Minang, LA Duguma, F Bernard, O Mertz, M van Noordwijk
Current opinion in environmental sustainability 6, 78-82, 2014
Benefit distribution across scales to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) in Vietnam
MH Hoang, TH Do, MT Pham, M Van Noordwijk, PA Minang
Land use policy 31, 48-60, 2013
A systematic analysis of enabling conditions for synergy between climate change mitigation and adaptation measures in developing countries
LA Duguma, SW Wambugu, PA Minang, M Van Noordwijk
Environmental science & policy 42, 138-148, 2014
Estimating the opportunity costs of REDD+ -A training manual
D White, PA Minang, F Agus, J Borner, K Hairiah, J Gockowski, G Hyman, ...
World Bank, 2010
Illusions of empowerment? Questioning policy and practice of community forestry in Kenya
SW Chomba, I Nathan, PA Minang, F Sinclair
Ecology and Society 20 (3), 2015
Segregate or integrate for multifunctionality and sustained change through rubber-based agroforestry in Indonesia and China
M van Noordwijk, HL Tata, J Xu, S Dewi, PA Minang
Agroforestry-the future of global land use, 69-104, 2012
Community capacity for implementing Clean Development Mechanism projects within community forests in Cameroon
PA Minang, MK McCall, HTA Bressers
Environmental management 39, 615-630, 2007
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Articles 1–20