Michel Couprie
Michel Couprie
Université Paris Est, ESIEE, LIGM
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Cited by
Watershed cuts: Minimum spanning forests and the drop of water principle
J Cousty, G Bertrand, L Najman, M Couprie
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 31 (8), 1362-1374, 2008
Building the component tree in quasi-linear time
L Najman, M Couprie
IEEE Transactions on image processing 15 (11), 3531-3539, 2006
Topological gray-scale watershed transformation
M Couprie, G Bertrand
Vision Geometry VI 3168, 136-146, 1997
Watershed cuts: Thinnings, shortest path forests, and topological watersheds
J Cousty, G Bertrand, L Najman, M Couprie
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 32 (5), 925-939, 2009
Discrete bisector function and Euclidean skeleton in 2D and 3D
M Couprie, D Coeurjolly, R Zrour
Image and Vision Computing 25 (10), 1543-1556, 2007
Quasi-linear algorithms for the topological watershed
M Couprie, L Najman, G Bertrand
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 22, 231-249, 2005
Segmentation of 4D cardiac MRI: Automated method based on spatio-temporal watershed cuts
J Cousty, L Najman, M Couprie, S Clément-Guinaudeau, T Goissen, ...
Image and Vision Computing 28 (8), 1229-1243, 2010
New characterizations of simple points in 2D, 3D, and 4D discrete spaces
M Couprie, G Bertrand
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 31 (4), 637-648, 2008
Some links between min-cuts, optimal spanning forests and watersheds.
C Allène, JY Audibert, M Couprie, J Cousty, R Keriven
ISMM (1), 253-264, 2007
Image segmentation through operators based on topology
G Bertrand, JC Everat, M Couprie
Journal of Electronic Imaging 6 (4), 395-405, 1997
Video segmentation based on 2D image analysis
SJF Guimaraes, M Couprie, A de Albuquerque Araújo, NJ Leite
Pattern Recognition Letters 24 (7), 947-957, 2003
Topological operators for grayscale image processing
M Couprie, FN Bezerra, G Bertrand
Journal of Electronic Imaging 10 (4), 1003-1015, 2001
Computer-assisted analysis helps detect inner dynein arm abnormalities
E Escudier, M Couprie, B Duriez, F Roudot-Thoraval, MC Millepied, ...
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 166 (9), 1257-1262, 2002
Watershed algorithms and contrast preservation
L Najman, M Couprie
Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery: 11th International Conference, DGCI …, 2003
Prototyping DBS3, a shared-memory parallel database system
B Bergsten, M Couprie, P Valduriez
[1991] Proceedings of the First International Conference on Parallel and …, 1991
Some links between extremum spanning forests, watersheds and min-cuts
C Allène, JY Audibert, M Couprie, R Keriven
Image and Vision Computing 28 (10), 1460-1471, 2010
Topologically controlled segmentation of 3D magnetic resonance images of the head by using morphological operators
P Dokládal, I Bloch, M Couprie, D Ruijters, R Urtasun, L Garnero
Pattern recognition 36 (10), 2463-2478, 2003
Watersheds, mosaics, and the emergence paradigm
L Najman, M Couprie, G Bertrand
Discrete Applied Mathematics 147 (2-3), 301-324, 2005
Robust skeletonization using the discrete λ-medial axis
J Chaussard, M Couprie, H Talbot
Pattern Recognition Letters 32 (9), 1384-1394, 2011
Two-dimensional parallel thinning algorithms based on critical kernels
G Bertrand, M Couprie
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 31 (1), 35-56, 2008
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Articles 1–20