Fernando Nieto
Fernando Nieto
Mineralogy. Granada University
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Evolution of illite/smectite from early diagenesis through incipient metamorphism in sediments of the Basque-Cantabrian Basin
F Nieto, M Ortega-Huertas, DR Peacor, J Arostegui
Clays and Clay Minerals 44 (3), 304-323, 1996
Metamorphic evolution of Verrucano metasediments in Northern Apennines; new petrological constraints
G Giorgetti, B Goffe, I Memmi, F Nieto
European Journal of Mineralogy 10 (6), 1295-1308, 1998
Chemical composition of metapelitic chlorites: X-ray diffraction and optical property approach
F Nieto
Schweizerbart science publishers, 1997
Regional retrograde alteration of sub-greenschist facies chlorite to smectite
F Nieto, N Velilla, DR Peacor, MO Huertas
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 115, 243-252, 1994
Regional-scale high-plasticity clay-bearing formation as controlling factor on landslides in Southeast Spain
JM Azañón, A Azor, J Yesares, M Tsige, RM Mateos, F Nieto, J Delgado, ...
Geomorphology 120 (1-2), 26-37, 2010
Amazonian Mesoproterozoic basement in the core of the Ibero-Armorican Arc: 40Ar/39Ar detrital mica ages complement the zircon's tale
G Gutiérrez-Alonso, J Fernández-Suárez, AS Collins, I Abad, F Nieto
Geology 33 (8), 637-640, 2005
Retrograde diagenesis, a widespread process on a regional scale
F Nieto, MP Mata, B Bauluz, G Giorgetti, P Árkai, DR Peacor
Clay minerals 40 (1), 93-104, 2005
White-mica'crystallinity', finite strain and cleavage development across a large Variscan structure, NW Spain
G Gutiérrez-Alonso, F Nieto
Journal of the Geological Society 153 (2), 287-299, 1996
The phyllosilicates in diagenetic-metamorphic rocks of the South Portuguese Zone, southwestern Portugal
I Abad, MP Mata, F Nieto, N Velilla
The Canadian Mineralogist 39 (6), 1571-1589, 2001
Integrated analysis for constraining palaeoclimatic and volcanic influences on clay–mineral assemblages in orogenic basins (Palaeogene Andean foreland, Northwestern Argentina)
M Do Campo, C del Papa, F Nieto, F Hongn, I Petrinovic
Sedimentary Geology 228 (3-4), 98-112, 2010
Characterization of coexisting NH4- and K-micas in very low-grade metapelites
F Nieto
American Mineralogist 87 (2-3), 205-216, 2002
Glaucony authigenesis, maturity and alteration in the Weddell Sea: An indicator of paleoenvironmental conditions before the onset of Antarctic glaciation
A López-Quirós, C Escutia, A Sánchez-Navas, F Nieto, A Garcia-Casco, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 13580, 2019
Crystallite thickness and defect density of phyllosilicates in low-temperature metamorphic pelites: a TEM and XRD study of clay-mineral crystrallinity index standards
LN Warr, F Nieto
Mineralogical Association of Canada, 1998
The pioneer work of Bernard Kübler and Martin Frey in very low-grade metamorphic terranes: paleo-geothermal potential of variation in Kübler-Index/organic matter reflectance …
R Ferreiro Mählmann, Ö Bozkaya, S Potel, R Le Bayon, B ©egviæ, F Nieto
Swiss Journal of Geosciences 105, 121-152, 2012
New insights into the nature of glauconite
A López-Quirós, A Sánchez-Navas, F Nieto, C Escutia
American Mineralogist: Journal of Earth and Planetary Materials 105 (5), 674-686, 2020
Bacterially‐mediated authigenesis of clays in phosphate stromatolites
Sedimentology 45 (3), 519-533, 1998
Clay mineral assemblages and analcime formation in a Palaeogene fluvial–lacustrine sequence (Maíz Gordo Formation Palaeogen) from northwestern Argentina
M Do Campo, C Del Papa, J Jiménez-Millán, F Nieto
Sedimentary Geology 201 (1-2), 56-74, 2007
Prograde and retrograde diagenetic and metamorphic evolution in metapelitic rocks of Sierra Espuna (Spain)
I Abad, F Nieto, DR Peacor, N Velilla
Clay Minerals 38 (1), 1-23, 2003
A comparative XRD and TEM study of the physical meaning of the white mica" crystallinity" index
F Nieto, A Sánchez-Navas
Schweizerbart science publishers, 1994
Color, mineralogy and composition of Upper Jurassic West Siberian glauconite: useful indicators of paleoenvironment
A SÁnCHEZ-nAVAS, AS MARtín-ALgARRA, V Eder, BJ Reddy, F Nieto, ...
The Canadian Mineralogist 46 (5), 1249-1268, 2008
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Articles 1–20