Didier Babin
Didier Babin
CIRAD, CBD, IFB, IMOSEB, convention sur la diversité biologique
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Cited by
Reconciling biodiversity conservation and food security: scientific challenges for a new agriculture
L Brussaard, P Caron, B Campbell, L Lipper, S Mainka, R Rabbinge, ...
Current opinion in Environmental sustainability 2 (1-2), 34-42, 2010
Multi-agent systems and role games: collective learning processes for ecosystem management
F Bousquet, O Barreteau, P d'Aquino, M Etienne, S Boissau, S Aubert
Complexity and ecosystem management, 248-285, 2002
Diversity without representation
M Loreau, A Oteng-Yeboah, MTK Arroyo, D Babin, R Barbault, ...
Nature 442 (7100), 245-246, 2006
Introduction: Learning centred evaluation of innovation in higher education
JD Bain
Higher Education Research and Development 18 (2), 165-172, 1999
Patrimonial Mediation and Management Subsidiarity: Managing Pluralisni for Sustainable Forestry and Rural Developnient
D Babin, A Bertrand, J Weber, M Antona
13Fi7m 1E, 277, 1999
Gérer à plusieurs des ressources renouvelables. Subsidiarité et médiation patrimoniale par récurrence
D Babin, M Antona, A Bertrand, J Weber
Patrimonialiser la nature tropicale: dynamiques locales, enjeux …, 2002
Managing pluralism: subsidiarity and patrimonial mediation
D Babin, A Bertrand
Comment gérer le pluralisme? Subsidiarité et médiation patrimoniale
D Babin, A Bertrand
IPGRI, 1999
L'adaptation de l'aménagement forestier à des situations diverses
A Bertrand, D Babin, R Nasi
BOIS & FORETS DES TROPIQUES 261, 39-49, 1999
UNESCO–MAB Biosphere Reserves already deal with ecosystem services and sustainable development
P Bridgewater, D Babin
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (22), E4318-E4318, 2017
Multiple interest accommodation in African forest management projects: between pragmatism and theoretical coherence
M Antona, D Babin
International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology 1 (3 …, 2001
Trees outside the forest: a new perspective on the management of forest resources in the tropics.
M Pain-Orcet, R Bellefontaine
Biodiversité et multidisciplinarité: méthodologie pour les zones arides
MH Chevallier, S Bensaid, OB Diallo, R Sahki, S Ganaba, J Sanou, ...
BOIS & FORETS DES TROPIQUES 276, 33-41, 2003
Contribution à l'étude d'une ressource naturelle renouvelable. La pêche professionnelle en eau douce en France
D Babin
La pêche professionnelle fluviale et lacustre en France-Enquête au fil de l'eau
G Castelnaud, D Babin
Cemagref Editions, 1992
The effects of cattle ranching on land use of family holdings in the eastern-Amazon region of Brazil.
JF Tourrand, JB Veiga, R Poccard-Chapuis, N Hostiou, LA Ferreira, ...
Multi-agent systems and role games: an approach for ecosystem co-management. Complexity and Ecosystem Management: The Theory and Practice of Multi-agent Approaches. M. Janssen
F Bousquet, O Barreteau, P d'Aquino, M Etienne, S Boissau, S Aubert, ...
Cheltenham, UK, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2002
Médiation patrimoniale et gestion subsidiaire
D Babin, A Bertrand, J Weber, M Antona
Montpellier, Antananarivo, Cirad-GREEN, 1997
The historical origins of deforestation and forestry policy in French-speaking Africa: from superstition to reality?
A Bertrand, J Ribot, P Montagne
Conception, adaptation and diffusion of a computer-assisted role game about phytogenetic resources management at a rural level in Madagascar
S Aubert, C Le Page, H Joly, R Razafindraibe, J Ranaivoson, ...
7th biennial conference of the International Society for Ecological …, 2002
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Articles 1–20