Olga Valenzuela
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Cited by
Soft-computing techniques and ARMA model for time series prediction
I Rojas, O Valenzuela, F Rojas, A Guillén, LJ Herrera, H Pomares, ...
Neurocomputing 71 (4-6), 519-537, 2008
Hybridization of intelligent techniques and ARIMA models for time series prediction
O Valenzuela, I Rojas, F Rojas, H Pomares, LJ Herrera, A Guillén, ...
Fuzzy sets and systems 159 (7), 821-845, 2008
Model-free linkage analysis using likelihoods.
D Curtis, PC Sham
American journal of human genetics 57 (3), 703, 1995
Recursive prediction for long term time series forecasting using advanced models
LJ Herrera, H Pomares, I Rojas, A Guillén, A Prieto, O Valenzuela
Neurocomputing 70 (16-18), 2870-2880, 2007
Human activity recognition based on a sensor weighting hierarchical classifier
O Banos, M Damas, H Pomares, F Rojas, B Delgado-Marquez, ...
Soft Computing 17, 333-343, 2013
TaSe, a Taylor series-based fuzzy system model that combines interpretability and accuracy
LJ Herrera, H Pomares, I Rojas, O Valenzuela, A Prieto
Fuzzy sets and systems 153 (3), 403-427, 2005
Classification of MRI images for Alzheimer's disease detection
LJ Herrera, I Rojas, H Pomares, A Guillén, O Valenzuela, O Baños
2013 international conference on social computing, 846-851, 2013
Adaptive fuzzy controller: Application to the control of the temperature of a dynamic room in real time
I Rojas, H Pomares, J Gonzalez, LJ Herrera, A Guillén, F Rojas, ...
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 157 (16), 2241-2258, 2006
Leukemia multiclass assessment and classification from Microarray and RNA-seq technologies integration at gene expression level
D Castillo, JM Galvez, LJ Herrera, F Rojas, O Valenzuela, O Caba, ...
PloS one 14 (2), e0212127, 2019
Evolutionary computation for optimal knots allocation in smoothing splines
O Valenzuela, B Delgado-Marquez, M Pasadas
Applied Mathematical Modelling 37 (8), 5851-5863, 2013
Analysis of the operators involved in the definition of the implication functions and in the fuzzy inference process
I Rojas, O Valenzuela, M Anguita, A Prieto
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 19 (3-4), 367-389, 1998
Parallel multiobjective memetic rbfnns design and feature selection for function approximation problems
A Guillén, H Pomares, J González, I Rojas, O Valenzuela, B Prieto
Neurocomputing 72 (16-18), 3541-3555, 2009
Multi-objective genetic algorithms to find most relevant volumes of the brain related to alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment
O Valenzuela, X Jiang, A Carrillo, I Rojas
International Journal of Neural Systems 28 (09), 1850022, 2018
Output value-based initialization for radial basis function neural networks
A Guillén, I Rojas, J González, H Pomares, LJ Herrera, O Valenzuela, ...
Neural Processing Letters 25, 209-225, 2007
Improving clustering technique for functional approximation problem using fuzzy logic: ICFA algorithm
A Guillén, I Rojas, J González, H Pomares, LJ Herrera, O Valenzuela, ...
Computational Intelligence and Bioinspired Systems: 8th International Work …, 2005
Impact of image preprocessing methods and deep learning models for classifying histopathological breast cancer images
D Murcia-Gomez, I Rojas-Valenzuela, O Valenzuela
Applied Sciences 12 (22), 11375, 2022
Statistical analysis of different artificial intelligent techniques applied to Intrusion Detection System
H Tribak, BL Delgado-Marquez, P Rojas, O Valenzuela, H Pomares, ...
2012 International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems, 434-440, 2012
Using near-infrared spectroscopy in the classification of white and iberian pork with neural networks
A Guillén, FG Del Moral, LJ Herrera, G Rubio, I Rojas, O Valenzuela, ...
Neural Computing and Applications 19, 465-470, 2010
Multiclass classification for skin cancer profiling based on the integration of heterogeneous gene expression series
JM Gálvez, D Castillo, LJ Herrera, B San Román, O Valenzuela, ...
PloS one 13 (5), e0196836, 2018
Predicting the accuracy of multiple sequence alignment algorithms by using computational intelligent techniques
FM Ortuno, O Valenzuela, H Pomares, F Rojas, JP Florido, JM Urquiza, ...
Nucleic acids research 41 (1), e26-e26, 2013
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Articles 1–20