Dr Valery Adzhiev
Dr Valery Adzhiev
Principal Academic, Bournemouth University
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Function representation in geometric modeling: concepts, implementation and applications
A Pasko, V Adzhiev, A Sourin, V Savchenko
The visual computer 11, 429-446, 1995
Procedural function-based modelling of volumetric microstructures
A Pasko, O Fryazinov, T Vilbrandt, PA Fayolle, V Adzhiev
Graphical Models 73 (5), 165-181, 2011
Constructive hypervolume modeling
A Pasko, V Adzhiev, B Schmitt, C Schlick
Graphical models 63 (6), 413-442, 2001
HyperFun project: a framework for collaborative multidimensional F-rep modeling
A Pasko, V Adzhiev, R Cartwright, E Fausett, A Ossipov, V Savchenko
Eurographics/ACM SIGGRAPH Workshop Implicit Surfaces’ 99, 59-69, 1999
Hybrid cellular-functional modeling of heterogeneous objects
V Adzhiev, E Kartasheva, T Kunii, A Pasko, B Schmitt
J. Comput. Inf. Sci. Eng. 2 (4), 312-322, 2002
Function-based shape modeling: mathematical framework and specialized language
A Pasko, V Adzhiev
International Workshop on Automated Deduction in Geometry, 132-160, 2002
Hybrid system architecture for volume modeling
V Adzhiev, M Kazakov, A Pasko, V Savchenko
Computers & Graphics 24 (1), 67-78, 2000
Web-based shape modeling with HyperFun
R Cartwright, V Adzhiev, AA Pasko, Y Goto, TL Kunii
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 25 (2), 60-69, 2005
Cellular-functional modeling of heterogeneous objects
V Adzhiev, E Kartasheva, T Kunii, A Pasko, B Schmitt
Proceedings of the seventh ACM symposium on Solid modeling and applications …, 2002
Virtual sculpting and 3D printing for young people with disabilities
L Mcloughlin, O Fryazinov, M Moseley, M Sanchez, V Adzhiev, ...
IEEE computer graphics and applications 36 (1), 22-28, 2016
Multidimensional geometric modeling and visualization based on the function representation of objects
A Pasko, V Savchenko, V Adzhiev, A Sourin
University of Aizu Technical Report, 93-1, 1993
Space-time and higher dimensional modeling for animation
E Fausett, A Pasko, V Adzhiev
Proceedings Computer Animation 2000, 140-145, 2000
Procedural function-based spatial microstructures
A Pasko, T Vilbrandt, O Fryazinov, V Adzhiev
2010 Shape Modeling International Conference, 47-56, 2010
A computational model for multi-agent interaction in concurrent engineering
VD Adzhiev, WM Beynon, AJ Cartwright, YP Yung
Proc. CEEDA 94, 227-232, 1994
Nauchnaja vizualizacija kak metod analiza nauchnyh dannyh [Scientific Visualization as Method of Scientific Data Analysis]
V Pilyugin, E Malikova, A Pasko, V Adzhiev
Scientific visualization 4 (4), 56-70, 2012
" Why do we not buy mass customised products?"-An investigation of consumer purchase intention of mass customised products
H Zhao, L McLoughlin, V Adzhiev, A Pasko
International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management 10 (2), 181-190, 2019
Heterogeneous objects modelling and applications: collection of papers on foundations and practice
A Pasko, V Adzhiev, P Comninos
Springer, 2008
Augmented sculpture: Computer ghosts of physical artifacts
V Adzhiev, P Comninos, A Pasko
Leonardo 36 (3), 211-219, 2003
3D Mass customization toolkits design, part I: survey and an evaluation model
H Zhao, L McLoughlin, V Adzhiev, A Pasko
Computer-Aided Design & Applications 16 (2), 204-222, 2019
A new computer-based tool for conceptual design
V Adzhiev, WM Beynon, AJ Cartwright, YP Yung
Proc. Workshop Computer Tools for Conceptual Design. University of Lancaster, 1994
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Articles 1–20