Giorgio Pennacchioni
Giorgio Pennacchioni
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Natural and experimental evidence of melt lubrication of faults during earthquakes
G Di Toro, T Hirose, S Nielsen, G Pennacchioni, T Shimamoto
science 311 (5761), 647-649, 2006
The influence of grain boundary fluids on the microstructure of quartz-feldspar mylonites
NS Mancktelow, G Pennacchioni
Journal of Structural Geology 26 (1), 47-69, 2004
The control of precursor brittle fracture and fluid–rock interaction on the development of single and paired ductile shear zones
NS Mancktelow, G Pennacchioni
Journal of Structural Geology 27 (4), 645-661, 2005
Rare earth and trace element mobility in mid-crustal shear zones: insights from the Mont Blanc Massif (Western Alps)
Y Rolland, S Cox, AM Boullier, G Pennacchioni, N Mancktelow
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 214 (1-2), 203-219, 2003
Earthquake rupture dynamics frozen in exhumed ancient faults
G Di Toro, S Nielsen, G Pennacchioni
Nature 436 (7053), 1009-1012, 2005
Superheated friction-induced melts in zoned pseudotachylytes within the Adamello tonalites (Italian Southern Alps)
G Di Toro, G Pennacchioni
Journal of Structural Geology 26 (10), 1783-1801, 2004
Nucleation and initial growth of a shear zone network within compositionally and structurally heterogeneous granitoids under amphibolite facies conditions
G Pennacchioni, NS Mancktelow
Journal of Structural Geology 29 (11), 1757-1780, 2007
Fault plane processes and mesoscopic structure of a strong-type seismogenic fault in tonalites (Adamello batholith, Southern Alps)
G Di Toro, G Pennacchioni
Tectonophysics 402 (1-4), 55-80, 2005
Tertiary age and paleostructural inferences of the eclogitic imprint in the Austroalpine outliers and Zermatt–Saas ophiolite, western Alps
G Dal Piaz, G Cortiana, A Del Moro, S Martin, G Pennacchioni, P Tartarotti
International Journal of Earth Sciences 90 (3), 668-684, 2001
Can pseudotachylytes be used to infer earthquake source parameters? An example of limitations in the study of exhumed faults
G Di Toro, G Pennacchioni, G Teza
Tectonophysics 402 (1-4), 3-20, 2005
Control of the geometry of precursor brittle structures on the type of ductile shear zone in the Adamello tonalites, Southern Alps (Italy)
G Pennacchioni
Journal of Structural Geology 27 (4), 627-644, 2005
Brittle precursors of plastic deformation in a granite: an example from the Mont Blanc massif (Helvetic, western Alps)
A Guermani, G Pennacchioni
Journal of Structural Geology 20 (2-3), 135-148, 1998
Energy partitioning during seismic slip in pseudotachylyte-bearing faults (Gole Larghe Fault, Adamello, Italy)
L Pittarello, G Di Toro, A Bizzarri, G Pennacchioni, J Hadizadeh, M Cocco
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 269 (1-2), 131-139, 2008
Dissolution-precipitation creep of K-feldspar in mid-crustal granite mylonites
L Menegon, G Pennacchioni, R Spiess
Journal of Structural Geology 30 (5), 565-579, 2008
Brittle–ductile–brittle deformation during cooling of tonalite (Adamello, Southern Italian Alps)
G Pennacchioni, G Di Toro, P Brack, L Menegon, IM Villa
Tectonophysics 427 (1-4), 171-197, 2006
Evolution of quartz microstructure and c-axis crystallographic preferred orientation within ductilely deformed granitoids (Arolla unit, Western Alps)
L Menegon, G Pennacchioni, R Heilbronner, L Pittarello
Journal of Structural Geology 30 (11), 1332-1347, 2008
Nucleation and growth of myrmekite during ductile shear deformation in metagranites
L Menegon, G Pennacchioni, H Stünitz
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 24 (7), 553-568, 2006
Salt-rich aqueous fluids formed during eclogitization of metabasites in the Alpine continental crust (Austroalpine Mt. Emilius unit, Italian western Alps)
M Scambelluri, G Pennacchioni, P Philippot
Lithos 43 (3), 151-167, 1998
The effect of Dauphiné twinning on plastic strain in quartz
L Menegon, S Piazolo, G Pennacchioni
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 161, 635-652, 2011
Ductile‐brittle transition in pre‐Alpine amphibolite facies mylonites during evolution from water‐present to water‐deficient conditions (Mont Mary nappe, Italian Western Alps)
G Pennacchioni, B Cesare
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 15 (6), 777-791, 1997
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Articles 1–20