Dennis Koelma
The MediaMill TRECVID 2006 semantic video search engine
CGM Snoek, KEA van de Sande, O de Rooij, B Huurnink, JC van Gemert, ...
TRECVid, 277-290, 2006
The semantic pathfinder: Using an authoring metaphor for generic multimedia indexing
CGM Snoek, M Worring, J Geusebroek, DC Koelma, FJ Seinstra, ...
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 28 (10), 1678 …, 2006
The distributed ASCI supercomputer project
H Bal, R Bhoedjang, R Hofman, C Jacobs, T Kielmann, J Maassen, ...
ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review 34 (4), 76-96, 2000
The imagenet shuffle: Reorganized pre-training for video event detection
P Mettes, DC Koelma, CGM Snoek
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM on International Conference on Multimedia …, 2016
A learned lexicon-driven paradigm for interactive video retrieval
CGM Snoek, M Worring, DC Koelma, AWM Smeulders
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 9 (2), 280-292, 2007
A software architecture for user transparent parallel image processing
FJ Seinstra, D Koelma, JM Geusebroek
Parallel computing 28 (7-8), 967-993, 2002
High-performance distributed video content analysis with parallel-horus
FJ Seinstra, JM Geusebroek, D Koelma, CGM Snoek, M Worring, ...
IEEE multimedia 14 (4), 64-75, 2007
Bootstrapping visual categorization with relevant negatives
X Li, CGM Snoek, M Worring, D Koelma, AWM Smeulders
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 15 (4), 933-945, 2013
Mediamill: Exploring news video archives based on learned semantics
CGM Snoek, M Worring, J Van Gemert, JM Geusebroek, D Koelma, ...
Proceedings of the 13th annual ACM international conference on Multimedia …, 2005
User transparency: a fully sequential programming model for efficient data parallel image processing
FJ Seinstra, D Koelma
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 16 (6), 611-644, 2004
Scillmage: A multi-layered environment for use and development of image processing software
RBDK Ton, KKB Mosterd, AWM Smeulders
Experimental environments for computer vision and image processing 11, 107, 1994
Evaluating multimedia features and fusion for example-based event detection
GK Myers, CGM Snoek, R Nevatia, R Nallapati, J van Hout, S Pancoast, ...
Fusion in Computer Vision: Understanding Complex Visual Content, 109-133, 2014
MediaMill at TRECVID 2014: Searching Concepts, Objects, Instances and Events in Video.
CGM Snoek, KEA van de Sande, D Fontijne, AH Habibian, M Jain, ...
TRECVID 1 (2), 3, 2013
Finite state machine-based optimization of data parallel regular domain problems applied in low-level image processing
FJ Seinstra, D Koelma, AD Bagdanov
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 15 (10), 865-877, 2004
Shuffled imagenet banks for video event detection and search
P Mettes, DC Koelma, CGM Snoek
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications …, 2020
Learned lexicon-driven interactive video retrieval
C Snoek, M Worring, D Koelma, A Smeulders
Image and Video Retrieval: 5th International Conference, CIVR 2006, Tempe …, 2006
On the surplus value of semantic video analysis beyond the key frame
CGM Snoek, M Worring, JM Geusebroek, D Koelma, FJ Seinstra
2005 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 4 pp., 2005
Blackthorn: large-scale interactive multimodal learning
J Zahálka, S Rudinac, BÞ Jónsson, DC Koelma, M Worring
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 20 (3), 687-698, 2017
University of Amsterdam and Renmin University at TRECVID 2017: Searching Video, Detecting Events and Describing Video.
CGM Snoek, X Li, C Xu, DC Koelma
Promise into practice: Application of computer vision in empirical research on social distancing
W Bernasco, E M. Hoeben, D Koelma, LS Liebst, J Thomas, J Appelman, ...
Sociological Methods & Research 52 (3), 1239-1287, 2023
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