Al McClimens
Al McClimens
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Including everyone in research: the Burton street research group
S Abell, J Ashmore, S Beart, P Brownley, A Butcher, Z Clarke, H Combes, ...
British Journal of Learning Disabilities 35 (2), 121-124, 2007
People with intellectual disabilities as bloggers: What's social capital got to do with it anyway?
A McClimens, F Gordon
Journal of intellectual disabilities 13 (1), 19-30, 2009
Recognising and respecting patients' cultural diversity.
A McClimens, J Brewster, R Lewis
Nursing Standard 28 (28), 2014
This is my truth, tell me yours: exploring the internal tensions within collaborative learning disability research
A McClimens
British Journal of Learning Disabilities 36 (4), 271-276, 2008
The organization of difference: People with intellectual disabilities and the social model of disability
A McClimens
Mental retardation 41 (1), 35-46, 2003
Lights, camera, education! The potentials of forum theatre in a learning disability nursing program
A McClimens, R Scott
Nurse Education Today 27 (3), 203-209, 2007
How do people with learning disability experience the city centre? A Sheffield case study
A McClimens, N Partridge, E Sexton
Health & place 28, 14-21, 2014
A problem with inclusion in learning disability research
A McClimens, P Allmark
Nursing ethics 18 (5), 633-639, 2011
Language, labels and diagnosis: An idiot's guide to learning disability
A McClimens
Journal of Intellectual Disabilities 11 (3), 257-266, 2007
Confidence and performance in objective structured clinical examination
A McClimens, R Ibbotson, C Kenyon, S McLean, H Soltani
British Journal of Midwifery 20 (10), 746-751, 2012
The relationship between workforce flexibility and the costs and outcomes of older people’s services
SA Nancarrow, A Moran, P Enderby, SG Parker, S Dixon, C Mitchell, ...
London: National Institute of Health Research, 2010
Presentation of self in E-veryday life: How people labelled with intellectual disability manage identity as they engage the blogosphere
A McClimens, F Gordon
Sociological Research Online 13 (4), 40-52, 2008
What difference does it make who is speaking? Audience, ownership and authority in learning disability research
A McClimens
Journal of Learning Disabilities 8 (1), 71-88, 2004
From vagabonds to Victorian values
A McClimens
Learning disability: A life cycle approach to valuing people, 28-46, 2005
The potential therapeutic benefits of reading poetry to nursing home residents: the road less travelled?
J Healey, C Hopkins, A McClimens, D Peplow
Journal of Poetry Therapy 30 (3), 153-165, 2017
Ambivalence and obesity stigma in decisions about weight management: A qualitative study
I Brown, A McClimens
Scientific Research Publishing, 2012
Breast cancer information and support needs for women with intellectual disabilities: a scoping study
K Collins, A McClimens, S Mekonnen, L Wyld
Psycho‐Oncology 23 (8), 892-897, 2014
Intellectual disability, consumerism and identity: To have and have not?
A McClimens, M Hyde
Journal of intellectual disabilities 16 (2), 135-144, 2012
Participatory Research with People who have a Earning Difficulty: Journeys without a Map
A McClimens
Journal of Learning Disabilities for Nursing, Health, and Social Care 3 (4 …, 1999
Social constructions and social models: disability explained?
A Mcclimens, M Richardson
Open University Press/McGraw Hill, 2010
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Articles 1–20