Xuan Li
Cited by
Cited by
Fathers’ involvement in Chinese societies: Increasing presence, uneven progress
X Li
Child Development Perspectives 14 (3), 150-156, 2020
Fathers in Chinese culture: From stern disciplinarians to involved parents
X Li, ME Lamb
Fathers in cultural context, 15-41, 2012
Father love and mother love: Contributions of parental acceptance to children's psychological adjustment
X Li, J Meier
Journal of Family Theory & Review 9 (4), 459-490, 2017
Fathering in Chinese culture: Traditions and transitions
X Li, ME Lamb
Fathers across cultures: The importance, roles, and diverse practices of …, 2015
The decline of the chauvinistic model of Chinese masculinity: A research report
W Jankowiak, X Li
Chinese Sociological Review 46 (4), 3-18, 2014
Multicenter follow-up study of ankle fracture surgery
H Xu, L Liu, X Li, D Zhang, Z Fu, T Wang, P Zhang, B Jiang, H Shen, ...
Chinese medical journal 125 (4), 574-578, 2012
Emergent conjugal love, mutual affection, and female marital power
W Jankowiak, X Li
Transforming patriarchy: Chinese families in the twenty-first century, 146-162, 2017
Psychological maladjustment mediates the relation between remembrances of parental rejection in childhood and adults’ fear of intimacy: A multicultural study
RP Rohner, A Filus, T Melendez-Rhodes, B Kuyumcu, F Machado, ...
Cross-Cultural Research 53 (5), 508-542, 2019
A brief review on e-skin and its multifunctional sensing applications
MT Almansoori, X Li, L Zheng
Current Smart Materials 4 (1), 3-14, 2019
Väter 2015: wie aktiv sind sie, wie geht es ihnen und was brauchen sie?; eine aktuelle Studie des Deutschen Jugendinstituts
X Li, C Zerle-Elsäßer, C Entleitner-Phleps, M Schier
Deutsches Jugendinstitut eV, Projekt Väterreport, 2015
Extracurricular activities and Chinese children’s school readiness: Who benefits more?
L Ren, J Chen, X Li, H Wu, J Fan, L Li
Child Development 92 (3), 1028-1047, 2021
How do Chinese fathers express love? Viewing paternal warmth through the eyes of Chinese fathers, mothers, and their children.
X Li
Psychology of Men & Masculinities 22 (3), 500, 2021
The Chinese father: Masculinity, conjugal love, and parental involvement
X Li, W Jankowiak
Changing Chinese masculinities: From imperial pillars of state to global …, 2016
The linear and nonlinear effects of organized extracurricular activities on Chinese Preschoolers’ development
L Ren, TS Kutaka, P Chernyavskiy, J Fan, X Li
Contemporary Educational Psychology 60, 101845, 2020
Chinese fathers in the twentieth century: Changing roles as parents and as men
X Li
Gender and Generation in China Today, 76-95, 2021
Väter im Familienalltag-Determinanten einer aktiven Vaterschaft
C Zerle-Elsäßer, X Li
Zeitschrift für Familienforschung 29 (1), 11-31, 2017
Romantic involvement and adolescents' academic and psychosocial functioning in Chinese societies
X Li, CY Huang, ACT Shen
Children and Youth Services Review 95, 108-117, 2019
Fathers’ perceived co-parenting and children's academic readiness among Chinese preschoolers: Longitudinal pathways through parenting and behavioral regulation
L Ren, RYM Cheung, C Boise, X Li, J Fan
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 53, 77-85, 2020
Beyond WEIRD (Western, educated, industrial, rich, democratic)‐centric theories and perspectives: Masculinity and fathering in Chinese societies
X Li, Y Hu, CYS Huang, SS Chuang
Journal of Family Theory & Review 13 (3), 317-333, 2021
Contributions of child temperament and marital quality to coparenting among Chinese families
J Fan, L Ren, X Li
Children and Youth Services Review 108, 104610, 2020
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Articles 1–20