Matteo Re
Matteo Re
Dipartimento di Informatica, Università degli studi di Milano
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na di.unimi.it
An expanded evaluation of protein function prediction methods shows an improvement in accuracy
Y Jiang, TR Oron, WT Clark, AR Bankapur, D D’Andrea, R Lepore, ...
Genome biology 17, 1-19, 2016
The CAFA challenge reports improved protein function prediction and new functional annotations for hundreds of genes through experimental screens
N Zhou, Y Jiang, TR Bergquist, AJ Lee, BZ Kacsoh, AW Crocker, ...
Genome biology 20, 1-23, 2019
Ensemble methods
M Re, G Valentini
Advances in machine learning and data mining for astronomy, 563-593, 2012
Imbalance-aware machine learning for predicting rare and common disease-associated non-coding variants
M Schubach, M Re, PN Robinson, G Valentini
Scientific reports 7 (1), 2959, 2017
Synergy of multi-label hierarchical ensembles, data fusion, and cost-sensitive methods for gene functional inference
N Cesa-Bianchi, M Re, G Valentini
Machine Learning 88, 209-241, 2012
An extensive analysis of disease-gene associations using network integration and fast kernel-based gene prioritization methods
G Valentini, A Paccanaro, H Caniza, AE Romero, M Re
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 61 (2), 63-78, 2014
A neural network algorithm for semi-supervised node label learning from unbalanced data
M Frasca, A Bertoni, M Re, G Valentini
Neural Networks 43, 84-98, 2013
A fast ranking algorithm for predicting gene functions in biomolecular networks
M Re, M Mesiti, G Valentini
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 9 (6 …, 2012
Network-based drug ranking and repositioning with respect to DrugBank therapeutic categories
M Re, G Valentini
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 10 (6 …, 2013
Ensembles in machine learning applications
O Okun, G Valentini, M Re
Springer Science & Business Media, 2011
Simple ensemble methods are competitive with state-of-the-art data integration methods for gene function prediction
M Re, G Valentini
Machine Learning in Systems Biology, 98-111, 2009
RANKS: a flexible tool for node label ranking and classification in biological networks
G Valentini, G Armano, M Frasca, J Lin, M Mesiti, M Re
Bioinformatics 32 (18), 2872-2874, 2016
Regeneration-associated WNT signaling is activated in long-term reconstituting AC133bright acute myeloid leukemia cells
A Beghini, F Corlazzoli, L Del Giacco, M Re, F Lazzaroni, M Brioschi, ...
Neoplasia 14 (12), 1236-IN45, 2012
Cancer module genes ranking using kernelized score functions
M Re, G Valentini
BMC bioinformatics 13, 1-16, 2012
Weighted True Path Rule: a multilabel hierarchical algorithm for gene function prediction
G Valentini, M Re
Integration of heterogeneous data sources for gene function prediction using decision templates and ensembles of learning machines
M Re, G Valentini
Neurocomputing 73 (7-9), 1533-1537, 2010
A hierarchical ensemble method for dag-structured taxonomies
PN Robinson, M Frasca, S Köhler, M Notaro, M Re, G Valentini
Multiple Classifier Systems: 12th International Workshop, MCS 2015, Günzburg …, 2015
Think globally and solve locally: secondary memory-based network learning for automated multi-species function prediction
M Mesiti, M Re, G Valentini
GigaScience 3 (1), 2047-217X-3-5, 2014
Prediction of human gene-phenotype associations by exploiting the hierarchical structure of the human phenotype ontology
G Valentini, S Köhler, M Re, M Notaro, PN Robinson
Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering: Third International Conference …, 2015
Random walking on functional interaction networks to rank genes involved in cancer
M Re, G Valentini
IFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and …, 2012
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