Luc Frappat
Luc Frappat
Professeur de physique, Université Savoie Mont Blanc
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Dictionary on Lie algebras and superalgebras
L Frappat, P Sorba, A Sciarrino
Academic Press (London), 2000
Dictionary on Lie superalgebras
L Frappat, A Sciarrino, P Sorba
arXiv preprint hep-th/9607161, 1996
Structure of basic Lie superalgebras and of their affine extensions
L Frappat, A Sciarrino, P Sorba
Communications in Mathematical Physics 121, 457-500, 1989
General boundary conditions for the and open spin chains
D Arnaudon, J Avan, N Crampé, A Doikou, L Frappat, E Ragoucy
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2004 (08), P08005, 2004
A crystal base for the genetic code
L Frappat, P Sorba, A Sciarrino
Physics Letters A 250 (1-3), 214-221, 1998
W-algebras and superalgebras from constrained WZW models: A group theoretical classification
L Frappat, E Ragoucy, P Sorba
Communications in mathematical physics 157, 499-548, 1993
-matrix presentation for super-Yangians
D Arnaudon, J Avan, N Crampé, L Frappat, E Ragoucy
Journal of Mathematical Physics 44 (1), 302-308, 2003
A complete Bethe ansatz solution for the open spin-s XXZ chain with general integrable boundary terms
L Frappat, RI Nepomechie, E Ragoucy
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2007 (09), P09009, 2007
Crystalizing the genetic code
L Frappat, A Sciarrino, P Sorba
Journal of biological physics 27 (1), 1-34, 2001
On Casimir's ghost
D Arnaudon, M Bauer, L Frappat
Communications in mathematical physics 187 (2), 429-439, 1997
Analytical Bethe ansatz for closed and open gl (𝒩)-spin chains in any representation
D Arnaudon, N Crampé, A Doikou, L Frappat, E Ragoucy
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2005 (02), P02007, 2005
Classification of reflection matrices related to (super-) Yangians and application to open spin chain models
D Arnaudon, J Avan, N Crampé, A Doikou, L Frappat, E Ragoucy
Nuclear Physics B 668 (3), 469-505, 2003
Spectrum and Bethe ansatz equations for the closed and open spin chains in any representation
D Arnaudon, N Crampé, A Doikou, L Frappat, E Ragoucy
Annales Henri Poincaré 7 (7), 1217-1268, 2006
Bethe ansatz equations and exact S matrices for the osp (M| 2n) open super-spin chain
D Arnaudon, J Avan, N Crampé, A Doikou, L Frappat, E Ragoucy
Nuclear Physics B 687 (3), 257-278, 2004
Correspondence between conformal field theory and Calogero–Sutherland model
R Sakamoto, J Shiraishi, D Arnaudon, L Frappat, E Ragoucy
Nuclear Physics B 704 (3), 490-509, 2005
Classical and quantum sl(1‖2) superalgebras, Casimir operators and quantum chain Hamiltonians
D Arnaudon, C Chryssomalakos, L Frappat
Journal of Mathematical Physics 36 (10), 5262-5283, 1995
q-fermionic operators and quantum exceptional algebras
L Frappat, P Sorba, A Sciarrino
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 24 (4), L179, 1991
Bethe ansatz for the universal weight function
L Frappat, S Khoroshkin, S Pakuliak, É Ragoucy
Annales Henri Poincaré 10 (3), 513-548, 2009
Universality and Shannon entropy of codon usage
L Frappat, C Minichini, A Sciarrino, P Sorba
Physical Review E 68 (6), 061910, 2003
Generalized Kac-Moody algebras and the diffeomorphism group of a closed surface
L Frappat, E Ragoucy, P Sorba, F Thuillier, H Høgåsen
Nuclear Physics B 334 (1), 250-264, 1990
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Articles 1–20