Uwe Köckemann
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Cited by
An ontology-based context-aware system for smart homes: E-care@ home
M Alirezaie, J Renoux, U Köckemann, A Kristoffersson, L Karlsson, ...
Sensors 17 (7), 1586, 2017
Grandpa hates robots-interaction constraints for planning in inhabited environments
U Köckemann, F Pecora, L Karlsson
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 28 (1), 2014
Culturally aware planning and execution of robot actions
AA Khaliq, U Köckemann, F Pecora, A Saffiotti, B Bruno, CT Recchiuto, ...
2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2018
Open-source data collection and data sets for activity recognition in smart homes
U Köckemann, M Alirezaie, J Renoux, N Tsiftes, MU Ahmed, D Morberg, ...
Sensors 20 (3), 879, 2020
Constraint-based methods for human-aware planning
U Köckemann
Örebro university, 2016
Applicability of feature selection on multivariate time series data for robotic discovery
S Cheema, T Henne, U Koeckemann, E Prassler
2010 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and …, 2010
Towards habit recognition in smart homes for people with dementia
G Chimamiwa, M Alirezaie, H Banaee, U Köckemann, A Loutfi
Ambient Intelligence: 15th European Conference, AmI 2019, Rome, Italy …, 2019
Composing complex and hybrid AI solutions
P Schüller, JP Costeira, J Crowley, J Grosinger, F Ingrand, U Köckemann, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.12566, 2022
Inferring context and goals for online human-aware planning
U Köeckemann, F Pecora, L Karlsson
2015 IEEE 27th International Conference on Tools with Artificial …, 2015
The E-Care@ Home infrastructure for IoT-enabled healthcare
N Tsiftes, S Duquennoy, T Voigt, MU Ahmed, U Köckemann, A Loutfi
Internet of Things Technologies for HealthCare: Third International …, 2016
Context recognition in multiple occupants situations: Detecting the number of agents in a smart home environment with simple sensors
J Renoux, M Alirezaie, L Karlsson, U Köckemann, F Pecora, A Loutfi
Workshops at the Thirty-First AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2017
Configuration planning with temporal constraints
U Köckemann, L Karlsson
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 31 (1), 2017
Collaborative development within a social robotic, multi-disciplinary effort: the caresses case study
R Menicatti, CT Recchiuto, B Bruno, R Zaccaria, AA Khaliq, U Köckemann, ...
2018 IEEE Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts (ARSO), 117-124, 2018
Towards planning with very expressive languages via problem decomposition into multiple csps
U Köckemann, F Pecora, L Karlsson
COPLAS'2012: ICAPS 2012 Workshop on Constraint Satisfaction Techniques for …, 2012
A near-infrared led-based material classification sensor system
O Schwaneberg, U Köckemann, H Steiner, N Jung
Optical Sensors, SMD4, 2011
Online guest detection in a smart home using pervasive sensors and probabilistic reasoning
J Renoux, U Köckemann, A Loutfi
Ambient Intelligence: 14th European Conference, AmI 2018, Larnaca, Cyprus …, 2018
Integrating Ontologies for Context-based Constraint-based Planning
U Köckemann, M Alirezaie, L Karlsson, A Loutfi
Tenth InternationalWorkshop Modelling and Reasoning in Context (MRC …, 2018
Run-Time Assurance for the E-care@ home System
MU Ahmed, H Fotouhi, U Köckemann, M Lindén, I Tomasic, N Tsiftes, ...
Internet of Things (IoT) Technologies for HealthCare: 4th International …, 2018
Run-Time Assurance for the E-care@ home System
UA Mobyen, H Fotouhi, U Köckemann, M Linden, I Tomasic, N Tsiftes, ...
4th EAI International Conference on IoT Technologies for HealthCare, 2017
Material classification through distance aware multispectral data fusion
O Schwaneberg, U Köckemann, H Steiner, S Sporrer, A Kolb, N Jung
Measurement Science and Technology 24 (4), 045001, 2013
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Articles 1–20