Sam Goljahi
Sam Goljahi
Christopher S. Lynch
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Cited by
Pyroelectric waste heat energy harvesting using relaxor ferroelectric 8/65/35 PLZT and the Olsen cycle
FY Lee, S Goljahi, IM McKinley, CS Lynch, L Pilon
Smart Materials and Structures 21 (2), 025021, 2012
A novel thermally biased mechanical energy conversion cycle
IM McKinley, S Goljahi, CS Lynch, L Pilon
Journal of Applied Physics 114 (22), 2013
The conductivity mechanism and an improved C−V model of ferroelectric PZT thin film
CSL K. Liang, A. Buditama, D. Chien, J. Cui, P. L. Cheung, S. Goljahi, S. H ...
Journal of Applied Physics 117 (174107), 2015
Direct thermal to electrical energy conversion using 9.5/65/35 PLZT ceramics in the ergodic relaxor phase
TK Chin, FY Lee, IM McKinley, S Goljahi, CS Lynch, L Pilon
IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control 59 …, 2012
A relaxor ferroelectric single crystal cut resulting in large d312 and zero d311 for a shear mode accelerometer and related applications
S Goljahi, J Gallagher, SJ Zhang, J Luo, R Sahul, W Hackenberger, ...
Smart materials and structures 21 (5), 055005, 2012
The strength of PIN–PMN–PT single crystals under bending with a longitudinal electric field
P Zhao, S Goljahi, W Dong, T Wu, P Finkel, R Sahul, K Snook, J Luo, ...
Smart materials and structures 20 (5), 055006, 2011
Pyroelectric waste heat energy harvesting using 9.5/65/35 PLZT ceramics
T Chin, FY Lee, IM McKinley, S Goljahi, CS Lynch, L Pilon
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics 59 (2373), 10.1109, 2012
Effects of electric field on the fracture toughness (KIc) of ceramic PZT
S Goljahi, CS Lynch
Smart Materials and Structures 22 (9), 094014, 2013
Pyroelectric energy harvesting using the olsen cycle on relaxor ferroelectric 8/65/35 plzt
F Lee, S Goljahi, I McKinley, CS Lynch, L Pilon
International conference on micro/nanoscale heat transfer 54778, 597-604, 2012
Effects of Electric Field on the Fracture Toughness (K-IC) of PZT ceramics
S Goljahi, D Pisani, J Gallagher, CS Lynch
4th Annual Meeting of the ASME/AIAA Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and …, 2012
Waste Heat Energy Harvesting using PLZT Ceramics
F Lee, I McKinley, T Chin, S Goljahi, CS Lynch, L Pilon
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Articles 1–11