Jose Elias Claudio Arroyo
Cited by
Cited by
Genetic local search for multi-objective flowshop scheduling problems
JEC Arroyo, VA Armentano
European journal of operational research 167 (3), 717-738, 2005
Scheduling unrelated parallel batch processing machines with non-identical job sizes and unequal ready times
JEC Arroyo, JYT Leung
Computers & Operations Research 78, 117-128, 2017
Multi-objective variable neighborhood search algorithms for a single machine scheduling problem with distinct due windows
JEC Arroyo, R dos Santos Ottoni, A de Paiva Oliveira
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 281, 5-19, 2011
A GRASP algorithm for the multi-criteria minimum spanning tree problem
JEC Arroyo, PS Vieira, DS Vianna
Annals of Operations Research 159 (1), 125-133, 2008
An application of a multi-objective tabu search algorithm to a bicriteria flowshop problem
VA Armentano, JE Claudio
Journal of Heuristics 10, 463-481, 2004
An effective iterated greedy algorithm for scheduling unrelated parallel batch machines with non-identical capacities and unequal ready times
JEC Arroyo, JYT Leung
Computers & Industrial Engineering 105, 84-100, 2017
A GRASP algorithm for the multi-objective knapsack problem
DS Vianna, JEC Arroyo
XXIV International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society, 69-75, 2004
Heurísticas e metaheurísticas para otimização combinatória multiobjetivo
JEC Arroyo
Campinas: UNICAMP, 2002
A GRASP heuristic for the multi-objective permutation flowshop scheduling problem
JEC Arroyo, AA de Souza Pereira
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 55, 741-753, 2011
An iterated greedy algorithm for total flow time minimization in unrelated parallel batch machines with unequal job release times
JEC Arroyo, JYT Leung, RG Tavares
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 77, 239-254, 2019
Hybrid GRASP heuristics to solve an unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem with earliness and tardiness penalties
JP De CM Nogueira, JEC Arroyo, HMM Villadiego, LB Gonçalves
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 302, 53-72, 2014
A partial enumeration heuristic for multi-objective flowshop scheduling problems
JEC Arroyo, VA Armentano
Journal of the Operational Research Society 55 (9), 1000-1007, 2004
A multi-objective genetic algorithm with path relinking for the p-median problem
JEC Arroyo, PM Dos Santos, MS Soares, AG Santos
Advances in Artificial Intelligence–IBERAMIA 2010: 12th Ibero-American …, 2010
Iterative local search heuristic for the single machine scheduling problem with sequence dependent setup times and due dates
JEC Arroyo, GVP Nunes, EH Kamke
2009 Ninth International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems 1, 505-510, 2009
Hybrid metaheuristic for the single vehicle routing problem with deliveries and selective pickups
BP Bruck, AG dos Santos, JEC Arroyo
2012 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 1-8, 2012
Scheduling unrelated parallel machines with family setups and resource constraints to minimize total tardiness
JCSN Pinheiro, JEC Arroyo, LB Fialho
Proceedings of the 2020 genetic and evolutionary computation conference …, 2020
An in-silico immune system model for investigating human autoimmune diseases
MA Possi, AP Oliveira, CMG Chaves, FR Cerqueira, JEC Arroyo
XXXVII Conferencia Latinoamericana de Informática (XXXVII CLEI), 2011
A combination of evolutionary algorithm, mathematical programming, and a new local search procedure for the just-in-time job-shop scheduling problem
AG Dos Santos, RP Araujo, JEC Arroyo
Learning and Intelligent Optimization: 4th International Conference, LION 4 …, 2010
A GRASP heuristic with Path-Relinking for a bi-objective p-median problem
JEC Arroyo, M dos Santos Soares, PM dos Santos
2010 10th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, 97-102, 2010
Genetic algorithm and local search for just-in-time job-shop scheduling
RP Araujo, AG dos Santos, JEC Arroyo
2009 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 955-961, 2009
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Articles 1–20