Ossama Mokhiamar
Ossama Mokhiamar
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University
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Simultaneous optimal distribution of lateral and longitudinal tire forces for the model following control
O Mokhiamar, M Abe
J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control 126 (4), 753-763, 2004
How the four wheels should share forces in an optimum cooperative chassis control
O Mokhiamar, M Abe
Control engineering practice 14 (3), 295-304, 2006
A study of a journal bearing lubricated by fluids with couple stress considering the elasticity of the liner
UM Mokhiamer, WA Crosby, HA El-Gamal
Wear 224 (2), 194-201, 1999
Active wheel steering and yaw moment control combination to maximize stability as well as vehicle responsiveness during quick lane change for active vehicle handling safety
O Mokhiamar, M Abe
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of …, 2002
Mechanical design of a low cost parabolic solar dish concentrator
H Hijazi, O Mokhiamar, O Elsamni
Alexandria Engineering Journal 55 (1), 1-11, 2016
Effects of model response on model following type of combined lateral force and yaw moment control performance for active vehicle handling safety
O Mokhiamar, M Abe
JSAE review 23 (4), 473-480, 2002
GPS tracking system for autonomous vehicles
Y Zein, M Darwiche, O Mokhiamar
Alexandria engineering journal 57 (4), 3127-3137, 2018
An adaptive variational mode decomposition based on sailfish optimization algorithm and Gini index for fault identification in rolling bearings
MGA Nassef, TM Hussein, O Mokhiamar
Measurement 173, 108514, 2021
Control of a new low-cost semi-active vehicle suspension system using artificial neural networks
M Ghoniem, T Awad, O Mokhiamar
Alexandria Engineering Journal 59 (5), 4013-4025, 2020
Effects of an optimum cooperative chassis control from the view points of tire workload
O Mokhimar
Proceedings of JSAE, 2003, 2003
Combined lateral force and yaw moment control to maximize stability as well as vehicle responsiveness during evasive maneuvering for active vehicle handling safety
O Mokhiamar, M Abe
Vehicle system dynamics 37 (sup1), 246-256, 2002
Split cantilever multi-resonant piezoelectric energy harvester for low-frequency application
DO Masara, H El Gamal, O Mokhiamar
Energies 14 (16), 5077, 2021
Classification of 3T1R parallel manipulators based on their wrench graph
S Amine, O Mokhiamar, S Caro
Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics 9 (1), 011003, 2017
An integration of vehicle motion controls for full drive-by-wire vehicle
M Abe, O Mokhiamar
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of …, 2007
Experimental verification using a driving simulator of the effect of simultaneous optimal distribution of tyre forces for active vehicle handling control
O Mokhiamar, M Abe
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of …, 2005
Lateral motion control of skid steering vehicles using full drive-by-wire system
O Mokhiamar, S Amine
Alexandria Engineering Journal 56 (4), 383-394, 2017
Stabilization of car-caravan combination using independent steer and drive/or brake forces distribution
O Mokhiamar
Alexandria Engineering Journal 54 (3), 315-324, 2015
Examination of different models following types of yaw moment control strategy for improving handling safety of a car-caravan combination
O Mokhiamar, M Abe
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of …, 2003
A study of stability and power consumption of electric vehicles using different modern control strategies
S Amine, O Mokhiamar
Alexandria Engineering Journal 58 (4), 1281-1290, 2019
SVR approach for predicting vehicle velocity for comfortable ride while crossing speed humps
M Darwiche, O Mokhiamar
Alexandria Engineering Journal 61 (8), 6119-6128, 2022
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