Tara Newman
Cited by
Cited by
Moving towards inclusive learning and teaching: A synthesis of recent literature
G Lawrie, E Marquis, E Fuller, T Newman, M Qiu, M Nomikoudis, ...
Teaching and Learning Inquiry 5 (1), 9-21, 2017
Becoming a female leader in higher education: Investigations from a regional university
P Redmond, H Gutke, L Galligan, A Howard, T Newman
Gender and Education 29 (3), 332-351, 2017
Supporting schools to go digital: From a conceptual model towards the design of a self-assessment tool for digital-age learning
P Kampylis, J Devine, Y Punie, T Newman
ICERI2016 Proceedings, 816-825, 2016
Social interaction as a contributor to significant learning outcomes in online instruction
T Newman, M Olle, C Bradley
International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning 8 …, 2011
The need for case studies to illustrate quality practice: Teaching in higher education to ensure quality of entry level professionals
T Newman, K Trimmer, FF Padró
Ensuring Quality in Professional Education Volume I: Human Client Fields …, 2019
Making an impact: Utilising faculty learning communities to enhance teaching and learning
T Newman
Communities of practice: Facilitating social learning in higher education …, 2017
Ensuring Quality in Professional Education Volume I: Human Client Fields Pedagogy and Knowledge Structures
K Trimmer, T Newman, F Padro
Behind the pine curtain: Lessons learned on school achievement
J Lacina, T Newman
Voices from the Middle 13 (1), 21-24, 2005
Field-Based Learning in Family Life Education
T Newman, A Schmitt
Palgrave Macmillan, 2017
Engaging Faculty in the Assessment Process: Recruiting Missionaries and Cheerleaders
T Newman
Journal of Administration in Higher Education, 9, 2010
Walk With Me: Caminatas as a Way for Developing Culturally Sustaining Literacy Pedagogies With Preservice Teachers
MM López, TA Newman
Handbook of Research on Cultivating Literacy in Diverse and Multilingual …, 2020
Exploring High-Impact Educational Experiences in Higher Education
T Newman
Field-Based Learning in Family Life Education: Facilitating High-Impact …, 2017
Community cultural wealth: Uncovering assets through Community Mapping
M López, T Newman, C Day
Reshaping graduate education through innovation and experiential learning …, 2021
Pedagogy for the 21st century and beyond: Infusing high-impact practices into the undergraduate curriculum
T Newman
Proceedings of the 38th Annual Higher Education Research and Development …, 2015
Ecological Theory
T Newman
The social history of the American family, 2014
Maximizing Graduate Capabilities: Linking Knowledge, Skills, and Workplace Experiences
T Newman, D Dowling
Australian Collaborative Education Network Annual Conference, Gold Coast …, 2014
Incorporating Sustainable Engineering (SEng) Within a Course Featuring Social, Political and Economic Contexts
I Craig, D Thorpe, T Newman
Ensuring Quality in Professional Education Volume II: Engineering Pedagogy …, 2019
Ensuring Quality in Professional Education Volume II: Engineering Pedagogy and International Knowledge Structures
K Trimmer, T Newman, F Padro
Springer, 2019
Bringing the online student to campus: Using a web-based planner to guide students in their studies
FF Padro, M Kek, T Newman
University of Southern Queensland, 2015
Leading institutional change through learning and teaching communities
T Newman, J McDonald, H Partridge, L Jolly, K Sheppard
Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference of the International Society for …, 2015
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Articles 1–20