Tadej Justin
Tadej Justin
Chief Data Scientist at Medius d.o.o.
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Speaker de-identification using diphone recognition and speech synthesis
T Justin, V Štruc, S Dobrišek, B Vesnicer, I Ipšić, F Mihelič
2015 11th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on Automatic Face and …, 2015
Gender and affect recognition based on GMM and GMM-UBM modeling with relevance MAP estimation
J Zibert, T Justin, V Struc, B Vesnicer
Comparison of different classification methods for emotion recognition
T Justin, R Gajšek, V Štruc, S Dobrišek
The 33rd International Convention MIPRO, 700-703, 2010
A bilingual HMM-based speech synthesis system for closely related languages
T Justin, M Pobar, I Ipšić, F Mihelič, J Žibert
Text, Speech and Dialogue: 15th International Conference, TSD 2012, Brno …, 2012
Vitomir Struc, Simon Dobrisek, Bostjan Vesnicer, Ivo Ipsic, and France Mihelic. 2015. Speaker de-identification using diphone recognition and speech synthesis
T Justin
Proceedings of IEEE FG. Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1-7, 0
Intelligibility assessment of the de-identified speech obtained using phoneme recognition and speech synthesis systems
T Justin, F Mihelič, S Dobrišek
Text, Speech and Dialogue: 17th International Conference, TSD 2014, Brno …, 2014
A comparison of two approaches to bilingual HMM-based speech synthesis
M Pobar, T Justin, J Žibert, F Mihelič, I Ipšić
Text, Speech, and Dialogue: 16th International Conference, TSD 2013, Pilsen …, 2013
Umetno tvorjenje čustvenega slovenskega govora z uporabo prikritih Markovovih modelov
T Justin
Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, 2016
Towards automatic cross-lingual acoustic modelling applied to HMM-based speech synthesis for under-resourced languages
T Justin, F Mihelič, J Žibert
automatika 57 (1), 268-281, 2016
Development and Evaluation of the Emotional Slovenian Speech Database-EmoLUKS
T Justin, V Štruc, J Žibert, F Mihelič
Text, Speech, and Dialogue: 18th International Conference, TSD 2015, Pilsen …, 2015
Vitomir Struc, Simon Dobrisek, Bostjan Vesnicer, Ivo Ipsic, and France Mihelic. Speaker de-identification using diphone recognition and speech synthesis
T Justin
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference and Workshops on Automatic …, 2015
Razvoj zbirke slovenskega čustvenega govora iz radijskih iger – EmoLUKS
T Justin, J Žibert, F Mihelič
Slovenščina 2.0, 1-44, 2015
Bilingual inquiry classification and automated response generation with cross-lingual embeddings
E Trajkova, S Dobrišek, T Justin
Proceedings of the 32nd International Electrotechnical and Computer Science …, 2023
Klasifikacija napak spletnih servisov s pomocjo analize sentimenta odgovorov
T Justin, M Jurkovič, E Trajkova, D Šenica, B Viktor
Zbornik enaintridesete mednarodne Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference …, 2022
Izzivi strojnega učenja z neuravnoteženimi razredi na primeru detekcije prevar pri kasko zavarovanju
D Šenica, M Jurkovič, T Justin
Dnevi slovenske informatike 2021: “»Digitalizacija: uspešneje, hitreje, ceneje”,, 2021
SloTex odprtokodno ogrodje za procesiranje slovenskega naravnega jezika
KE Kukovičič, S Debevc, M Juvan, J Bernik, A Trebušak, P Čebašek, ...
Zbornik osemindvajsete mednarodne Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference …, 2019
Gradnik za strojno učenje v državnem računalniškem oblaku na primeru dušenja zahtevkov
T Justin, B Kozelj
Konferenca Dnevi slovenske informatike (26 ; 2019 ; Portorož); Slovenija 4.0 …, 2019
Zasnova dinamičnega dušilnika prepustnosti interoperabilnih sistemov za uporabo algoritmov strojenega učenja
T Justin, A Polanec, P Brajak
Konferenca Dnevi slovenske informatike (25 ; 2018 ; Portorož), 2018
Neprekinjena dostava v vzporednem kritičnem poslovnem okolju
T Justin, Ž Ciglar, A Orešnik
OTS 2018 Sodobne informacijske tehnologije in storitve, 2018
Primjena automatskog međujezičnog akustičnog modeliranja na HMM sintezu govora za oskudne jezične baze
T Justin, F Mihelič, J Žibert
Automatika: časopis za automatiku, mjerenje, elektroniku, računarstvo i …, 2016
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Articles 1–20