从玛湖大油区发现看全油气系统地质理论发展趋势 唐勇, 曹剑, 何文军, 单祥, 刘寅, 赵克斌 新疆石油地质 42 (1), 1, 2021 | 68* | 2021 |
渤海湾盆地与苏北-南黄海盆地构造特征和成因对比 刘寅, 陈清华, 胡凯, 王玺, 高峰 大地构造与成矿学 38 (1), 38-51, 2014 | 48* | 2014 |
Influence of normal fault growth and linkage on the evolution of a rift basin: A case from the Gaoyou depression of the Subei Basin, eastern China Y Liu, Q Chen, X Wang, K Hu, S Cao, L Wu, F Gao Aapg Bulletin 101 (2), 265-288, 2017 | 37 | 2017 |
右江盆地构造和演化及对卡林型金矿床的控制作用 刘寅, 胡凯, 韩善楚, 孙泽航 高校地质学报 21 (1), 1, 2015 | 31* | 2015 |
Late Carboniferous seismic and volcanic record in the northwestern margin of the Junggar Basin: Implication for the tectonic setting of the West Junggar Y Liu, X Wang, K Wu, S Chen, Z Shi, W Yao Gondwana Research 71, 49-75, 2019 | 29 | 2019 |
准噶尔盆地二叠系全油气系统与源内天然气勘探新领域 唐勇, 雷德文, 曹剑, 刘寅, 黄立良, 李卉 新疆石油地质 43 (6), 654, 2022 | 28 | 2022 |
苏北盆地高邮凹陷边界断裂带构造特征及成因 王玺, 陈清华, 朱文斌, 马婷婷, 王晓蕾, 刘寅 大地构造与成矿学 37 (1), 20-28, 2013 | 28 | 2013 |
An in situ sulfur isotopic investigation of the origin of Carlin-type gold deposits in Youjiang Basin, southwest China S Lin, K Hu, J Cao, T Bai, Y Liu, S Han Ore Geology Reviews 134, 104187, 2021 | 25 | 2021 |
Architecture of buried reverse fault zone in the sedimentary basin: A case study from the Hong-Che Fault Zone of the Junggar Basin Y Liu, K Wu, X Wang, B Liu, J Guo, Y Du Journal of Structural Geology 105, 1-17, 2017 | 24 | 2017 |
Revisiting the Yejishan Group of the Lüliang Complex, North China: implications for a Paleoproterozoic active continental marginal basin in the Trans-North China Orogen X Wang, W Zhu, Y Liu, M Luo, R Ge, H Zhang, X Ren, X Cui Precambrian Research 292, 93-114, 2017 | 20 | 2017 |
The Nature of Ore‐forming Fluids of the Carlin‐type Gold Deposit in Southwest C hina: A Case from the Zimudang Gold Deposit Y Liu, K Hu, S Han, Z Sun Resource Geology 65 (2), 136-159, 2015 | 19 | 2015 |
Identification of a Permian foreland basin in the western Junggar Basin (NW China) and its impact on hydrocarbon accumulation A Imin, M Zha, X Ding, B Bian, Y Liu, M Zheng, C Han Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 187, 106810, 2020 | 18 | 2020 |
Characteristics, formation mechanism and evolution model of Ordovician carbonate fault-controlled reservoirs in the Shunnan area of the Shuntuogole lower uplift, Tarim Basin, China X Wang, J Wang, Y Cao, J Han, K Wu, Y Liu, K Liu, M Xie Marine and Petroleum Geology 145, 105878, 2022 | 17 | 2022 |
Geochemical characteristics of fault core and damage zones of the Hong-Che Fault Zone of the Junggar Basin (NW China) with implications for the fault sealing process Y Liu, K Wu, X Wang, Y Pei, B Liu, J Guo Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 143, 141-155, 2017 | 17 | 2017 |
Linkage and formation of strike-slip faults in deep basins and the implications for petroleum accumulation: A case study from the Shunbei area of the Tarim Basin, China Y Liu, J Suppe, Y Cao, F Hao, Y Liu, X Wang, K Wu, Z Cao, H Wei AAPG Bulletin 107 (2), 331-355, 2023 | 16 | 2023 |
Geochemistry and origin of hydrothermal apatite in Carlin-type Au deposits, southwestern China (Gaolong deposit) S Lin, K Hu, J Cao, Y Liu, S Liu, B Zhang Ore Geology Reviews 154, 105312, 2023 | 10 | 2023 |
塔里木盆地顺南地区走滑断裂发育特征及演化 孔永吉, 吴孔友, 刘寅 地质与资源 29 (5), 446-453, 2020 | 10* | 2020 |
Structural characteristics and implication on tectonic evolution of the Daerbute strike-slip fault in West Junggar area, NW China K Wu, Y Pei, T Li, X Wang, Y Liu, B Liu, C Ma, M Hong Frontiers of Earth Science 12, 555-568, 2018 | 10 | 2018 |
Mineralogy of Early C ambrian N i‐M o Polymetallic Black Shale at the S ancha Deposit, S outh C hina: Implications for Ore Genesis S Han, K Hu, J Cao, J Pan, Y Liu, L Bian, C Shi Resource Geology 65 (1), 1-12, 2015 | 10 | 2015 |
裂陷盆地伸展方位与构造作用及对构造样式的控制——以苏北盆地高邮凹陷南部断阶带为例 吴林, 陈清华, 刘寅, 王玺, 张晓丹, 孙珂, 陈传浩 石油与天然气地质 38 (1), 29-38, 2017 | 9 | 2017 |