Hugo Ricardo Navarro Contreras
Hugo Ricardo Navarro Contreras
Profesor-Investigador en la CIACYT-UASLP
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Cited by
Temperature-dependent optical band gap of the metastable zinc-blende structure β-GaN
G Ramirez-Flores, H Navarro-Contreras, A Lastras-Martinez, RC Powell, ...
Physical Review B 50 (12), 8433, 1994
Determination of the optical energy gap of Ge1− xSnx alloys with 0< x< 0.14
AG Rodríguez, H Navarro-Contreras, MA Vidal
Appl. Phys. Lett 84, 4532-4534, 2004
Controlling the dimensions, reactivity and crystallinity of multiwalled carbon nanotubes using low ethanol concentrations
A Botello-Méndez, J Campos-Delgado, A Morelos-Gómez, ...
Chemical Physics Letters 453 (1-3), 55-61, 2008
Diagnosis of breast cancer by analysis of sialic acid concentrations in human saliva by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy of silver nanoparticles
A Hernández-Arteaga, J de Jesús Zermeño Nava, ...
Nano Research 10, 3662-3670, 2017
New oxygen related shallow thermal donor centres in Czochralski-grown silicon
H Navarro, J Griffin, J Weber, L Genzel
Solid state communications 58 (3), 151-155, 1986
Detection of SARS-CoV-2 and its S and N proteins using surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy
JE Sanchez, SA Jaramillo, E Settles, JJV Salazar, A Lehr, J Gonzalez, ...
RSC advances 11 (41), 25788-25794, 2021
Raman spectroscopy an option for the early detection of citrus Huanglongbing
MRV Pérez, MGG Mendoza, MGR Elías, FJ González, HRN Contreras, ...
Applied Spectroscopy 70 (5), 829-839, 2016
Nonlinear behavior of the energy gap in< equation>< font face='verdana'> Ge</font>< sub> 1-x</sub>< font face='verdana'> Sn</font>< sub> x</sub></equation> alloys at< equation …
H Perez Ladron de Guevara, AG Rodriguez, H Navarro-Contreras, ...
Applied Physics Letters 91 (16), 161909-161909-3, 2007
Ge~ 1~~-~~ xSn~ x alloys pseudomorphically grown on Ge (001)
HPL de Guevara, AG Rodríguez, H Navarro-Contreras, MA Vidal
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 83 (24), 4942-4944, 2003
High-Sensitivity Bolometers from Self-Oriented Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Composites
G Vera-Reveles, TJ Simmons, M Bravo-Sánchez, MA Vidal, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 3 (8), 3200-3204, 2011
Raman scattering from fully strained Ge 1-x Sn x (x≤ 0.22) alloys grown on Ge (001) 2× 1 by low-temperature molecular beam epitaxy
M Rojas-López, H Navarro-Contreras, P Desjardins, O Gurdal, N Taylor, ...
Journal of applied physics 84 (4), 2219-2223, 1998
Photothermal ionisation spectroscopy of oxygen-related shallow defects in crystalline silicon
JA Griffin, J Hartung, J Weber, H Navarro, L Genzel
Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing 48 (1), 41-47, 1989
Raman scattering study of photoluminescent spark-processed porous InP
M Rojas-Lopez, J Nieto-Navarro, E Rosendo, H Navarro-Contreras, ...
Thin Solid Films 379 (1), 1-6, 2000
Analysis of cytotoxic effects of silver nanoclusters on human peripheral blood mononuclear cells ‘in vitro
ST Orta‐García, G Plascencia‐Villa, AC Ochoa‐Martínez, T Ruiz‐Vera, ...
Journal of Applied Toxicology 35 (10), 1189-1199, 2015
Temperature dependence of the band gap of Cd< inf> 1-x</inf> Zn< inf> x</inf> Te alloys of low zinc concentrations
FG Sanchez‐Almazan, H Navarro‐Contreras, G Ramírez‐Flores, ...
Journal of applied physics 79 (10), 7713-7717, 1996
On the bowing parameter in
O Zelaya-Angel, JG Mendoza-Alvarez, M Becerril, H Navarro-Contreras, ...
Journal of applied physics 95 (11), 6284-6288, 2004
Properties of Portland Cement Pastes Incorporating Nanometer‐Sized Franklinite Particles Obtained from Electric‐Arc‐Furnace Dust
A Balderas, H Navarro, LM Flores‐Velez, O Dominguez
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 84 (12), 2909-2913, 2001
Determination of sialic acid in saliva by means of surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy as a marker in adnexal mass patients: ovarian cancer vs benign cases
JJ Zermeño-Nava, MU Martínez-Martínez, AL Rámirez-de-Ávila, ...
Journal of Ovarian Research 11, 1-9, 2018
The new shallow thermal donor series in silicon
JA Griffin, H Navarro, J Weber, L Genzel, JT Borenstein, JW Corbett, ...
Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics 19 (26), L579, 2000
Far-infrared absorption by excitons in silicon
T Timusk, H Navarro, NO Lipari, M Altarelli
Solid State Communications 25 (4), 217-219, 1978
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Articles 1–20