Jeremy Foote
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Cited by
Why do people participate in small online communities?
S Hwang, JD Foote
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 5 (CSCW2), 1-25, 2021
Adolescents’ perception of peer groups: Psychological, behavioral, and relational determinants
S Lee, J Foote, Z Wittrock, S Xu, L Niu, DC French
Social science research 65, 181-194, 2017
Starting Online Communities: Motivations and Goals of Wiki Founders
J Foote, D Gergle, A Shaw
CHI 2017, 2017
Communication networks do not predict success in attempts at peer production
J Foote, A Shaw, BM Hill
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 28 (3), zmad002, 2023
The behavior and network position of peer production founders
J Foote, N Contractor
Transforming Digital Worlds: 13th International Conference, iConference 2018 …, 2018
A Computational Analysis of Social Media Scholarship
J Foote, A Shaw, BM Hill
The Sage Handbook of Social Media, 2017
A systems approach to studying online communities
J Foote
Media and Communication 10 (2), 29-40, 2022
Speed That Kills: The Role of Technology in Kate Chopin's THE STORY OF AN HOUR
J Foote
The Explicator 71 (2), 85-89, 2013
Unsorted significance: examining potential pathways to extreme political beliefs and communities on Reddit
M Mann, D Zulli, J Foote, E Ku, E Primm
Socius 9, 23780231231174823, 2023
How founder motivations, goals, and actions influence early trajectories of online communities
SR Kairam, J Foote
Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1-11, 2024
Motivations to use multifunctional public goods in organizations: using agent-based modeling to explore differential uses of enterprise social media
J Foote, JW Treem, B Van Den Hooff, M Honcoop
Human Communication Research 50 (1), 108-122, 2024
The Trajectory of Current and Future Knowledge Market Research: Insights from the First KredibleNet Workshop
SA Matei, B Britt, E Bertino, J Foote
Roles, Trust, and Reputation in Social Media Knowledge Markets: Theory and …, 2015
Online Communities and Big Data
J Foote, S Hwang
Group Communication, 278-292, 2023
Elite size and resilience impact on global system structuration in social media
SA Matei, W Tan, M Zhu, C Liu, E Bertino, J Foote
2014 International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems (CTS …, 2014
Bullying Network Perceptions: Cross-comparisons among Bullies, Victims, and Peers
K Tanaka, K Zhang, J Foote, S Lee, D French
Sunbelt: International Social Network Analysis Conference, 2024
How individual behaviors drive inequality in online community sizes: an agent-based simulation
J Foote, N TeBlunthuis, BM Hill, A Shaw
arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.03119, 2020
The Formation and Growth of Collaborative Online Organizations
J Foote
Northwestern University, 2019
Transparency, control, and content generation on Wikipedia: editorial strategies and technical affordances
SA Matei, J Foote
Transparency in Social Media: Tools, Methods and Algorithms for Mediating …, 2015
Online naturalization: Evolving roles in online knowledge production communities
JD Foote
Purdue University, 2014
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Articles 1–19