James Cornford
James Cornford
Norwich Business School, University of East Anglia
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ERP systems and the university as a “unique” organisation
N Pollock, J Cornford
Information technology & people 17 (1), 31-52, 2004
Regional institutions and knowledge–tracking new forms of regional development policy
A Lagendijk, J Cornford
Geoforum 31 (2), 209-218, 2000
Integrating telecare for chronic disease management in the community: what needs to be done?
CR May, TL Finch, J Cornford, C Exley, C Gately, S Kirk, KN Jenkings, ...
BMC health services research 11, 1-11, 2011
Putting the university online: Information, technology, and organizational change
J Cornford, N Pollock
Open University Press, 2003
Regional development and the new economy
A Gillespie, R Richardson, J Cornford
EIB papers 6 (1), 109-131, 2001
Plant closure and the local economy: the case of Swan Hunter on Tyneside
J Tomaney, A Pike, J Cornford
Regional Studies 33 (5), 401-411, 1999
Review of telework in Britain: Implications for public policy
AJ Gillespie, R Richardson, J Cornford
The virtual university is... the university made concrete?
J Cornford
Information, Communication & Society 3 (4), 508-525, 2000
Theory and practice of the virtual university
N Pollock, J Cornford
Ariadne, 2000
The socio-economic benefits of a universal telephone network: A demand-side view of universal service
S Graham, J Cornford, S Marvin
Telecommunications Policy 20 (1), 3-10, 1996
Using data mining techniques to predict students at risk of poor performance
Z Alharbi, J Cornford, L Dolder, B De La Iglesia
2016 SAI computing conference (SAI), 523-531, 2016
Negative equity and British housing in the 1990s: cause and effect
C Gentle, D Dorling, J Comford
Urban Studies 31 (2), 181-199, 1994
Local governance in the new information ecology: the challenge of building interpretative communities
J Cornford, R Wilson, S Baines, R Richardson
Public Money & Management 33 (3), 201-208, 2013
The university campus as a ‘resourceful constraint': process and practice in the construction of the virtual university
J Cornford, N Pollock
Distributed Learning, 170-181, 2013
Who has negative equity? How house price falls in Britain have hit different groups of home buyers
D Dorling, J Cornford
Housing Studies 10 (2), 151-178, 1995
Regional development in the information society
JR Cornford, AE Gillespie, RGW Richardson
The information society in Europe: Work and life in an age of globalization, 2000
New media and regional development: the case of the UK computer and video games industry
J Cornford, R Naylor, S Driver
Restructuring industry and territory, 83-108, 2016
The e‑Citizen as talk, as text and as technology: CRM and e‑Government
P Richter, J Cornford, I McLoughlin
Electronic Journal of e-government 2 (3), pp147‑158-pp147‑158, 2004
Putting the university online
J Cornford, N Pollock
E-Learning in Europe-Learning Europe, 111, 2003
Representing the family: How does the state ‘think family’?
J Cornford, S Baines, R Wilson
Policy & Politics 41 (1), 1-18, 2013
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